
Its sad! ! But at the end there Will be victory against evil so be it! !

And when your in debt, they know you will make poor decisions in life, and this is one of their tools to control your life.

911, the Pentagon, flight 93, and the Sheeple gobble up this excrement and beg for more and they aim to please, bah, bah, bah, bah.

Things are getting ugly in the world. They the Decieved Devil Worship ers here a are moving full steam ahead with their plans! Run from the Darkness Run to thelight! Hold on to your Bible and gun s sounds like we gonna need them?

in plain sight yes.. BUT.. they hide that sight for the common folk ... the news media hides it and doesnt talk about it. And they distract away from it by pointing at something else, like look at this one house over here that survived, while not saying a word about the huge hotel that is still standing..

I agree photos look fake,

That is an anti-aircraft gun creating the "lightning" in the distance, and the fighter jet is deploying anti-missile chaff- the small balls exploding in a line behind the jet.

They lost migrants ( illegal immigrants )on purpose !

Western Sahara has always wanted to be free and independent !

Just before the DEW’s in Maui, also in Turkey that killed 45,000, and in Morocco, and likely in Syria that caused all the flooding, coming soon to a neighborhood near you in preparation for Smart Cities. ....????

Good 9/11 related articles :

All 9/11 deaths were faked .

"Accidentally" . lol Really more like Sherlock , since you got it all figured out . Just kidding . Watch all of the interviews with the "victim’s" family members , the few handfuls out of the supposed 3,000 plus they paraded out for us and you tell me if they sound legit . I have faith after a few more hundred hours of 9/11 research you’ll come around to the truth of what really happened . Good luck ...

Thanks for the link. Corbett’s not talking about a drill involving people not being in the building or leaving the building in advance of their demolition. He’s referring to flight simulation drills taking place at the same time the buildings collapsed.

lol. Accidentally deleted your response calling me Einstein. Apologies. Please repost. It read: ""Ok Einstein you win , 3,000 people were instantly vaporized in a couple of building collapses , makes perfect sense to me . The 100,000 REWARD doesn\’t mean you have to prove 3,000 people were killed , just prove 1 . Come and get it ..."

Multiple opinions on what actually happened. Some stay totally staged. Others think it was a legit collapse from the jabs followed by a cover up and money changing hands. Others think he died and its a fake Damar now.

Fetzer stole my original work on the Boston Bombing and never gave me credit for it. He does that all the time.

There never seems to be a "bank error in our favor", so to speak. It’s always stuff that benefits the agenda 2030 crowd and hurts everyday joe bug eater. Decades ago, grain silos were blowing up at a similarly high rate, for a time. Not to worry though! Fatso J. Pritzker will save the day.

This is nothing short of High Treason. What else can one say?