
We’re under 4th and 5th generation attack.

Of course, the entire event was fabricated. For those who are still unaware that it was a hoax......

He’s worse than pond scum, that’s for sure.

Yes he is!

PS : Who said anything about the events of 9/11 being a drill ? We just showed you that they had multiple reasons to keep people out of the area for at least a couple of hours that morning . Of course when the shitshow actually went down they had a legit reason to keep people out . Yet you believe there is more evidence provided to conclude people were in the buildings ? Like what ? Crisis actor interviews and CGI jumpers ? Have you even compared the outside of the buildings on that day as to compared to stock footage from the past ? Not even close . Like talking to a wall , go to your grave thinking 3,000 people were instantly vaporized in building collapses , that’s all you .

PS : Who said anything about what happened on 9/11 as being drills . We showed you that there were many drills that day that allowed them to keep people from the area for at least a couple of hours that morning . Of course after the shitshow went down they had a legit reason to keep everyone out . THINK !

Right and they even admitted that the buildings were 70% unoccupied at the time due to the ongoing refurbishment involving asbestos cleanup , which in reality was probably more like 100% unoccupied . Refurbishment of course is code for "construction" workers setting the explosives for the upcoming scheduled controlled demolitions . And when it comes to Building 7 how could Silverstein give the order to "pull it" if he thought there were people at work that day anywhere in the area ? Come on people THINK , you actually believe over 3,000 people were instantly vaporized in building collapses ?

And now a major flood there with upwards of 10,000 people missing, can anyone say HAARP?, The hammer over all the earth is going around smashing countries into submission, remember Libya was one of the 7 countries that was on the Pentagon’s list to be taken out.

Drills the same time. 911 The truth in 5 minutes _ James Corbett: 1min 48 sec in:

Drills the same time. Here 1min 48 sec in:

Thanks, I actually looked at the clip 2 days ago and couldn’t find the exact spot, so thanks for being more of a sleuth than I am.

If you go back to about 39 mins into that yt clip he starts talking about the presentation he’s planning on making to the UN. Validates everything we’ve said on here about him, Agenda 21, and smart cities.

Again. Where’s the evidence it was a scheduled drill and no people were in the buildings? Appeals to Google searches don’t constitute evidence. There were plenty of military drills and tabletop exercises leading up to the event. But I’ve found no evidence to suggest 9/11 itself was a drill with no people involved and three controlled demolitions. The question is how to PROVE no one was in the buildings. The arguments you offered do not prove that. Street intersections blocked off doesn’t prove no one was in the buildings, neither do claims of pictures which somehow disappeared. It could just as easily be argued the perimeter was set in advance to control the situation on ground after the controlled demolition and limit access. I understand your position, but I don’t see sufficient evidence for it.

No doubt about what he was about to say !

I have also added your link in the description box for the deniers and everyone else to see, the guy is a snake in the grass.

Of course the fact checkers are going to say that’s not what he was trying to say, it’s apparent to me that it was a Freudian slip and it was in the back of his mind and he maneuvered his way out of it, I stand by his intent, a person will reveal themselves if you listen closely.

$100,000 REWARD always applied to the 9/11 fake deaths also . Still no takers ...

Another from : *** The Military Drills of September 11th: Why a New Investigation is NeededrnOctober 1, 2007rnby MichaelrnThe Military Drills of September 11th: Why a New Investigation is Neededrnby Elizabeth WoodworthrnGlobal Research, September 27, 2007rnrnInformation regarding military exercises is classified and difficult to research. Though there was unusually high and confusing drill activity on 9/11, this strange coincidence has not gained much public notice. This essay quotes military officials from their own magazines, and compares their statements to what the 9/11 Commission wrote about the so-called surprise factor, and also to the Commission’s position that the drills aided the response.

Here is just one from a simple Wikipedia search : *** National Reconnaissance Office drillrnAside from military exercises, a National Reconnaissance Office drill was being conducted on September 11, 2001. In a simulated event, a small aircraft would crash into one of the towers of the agency’s headquarters after experiencing a mechanical failure. The NRO is the branch of the Department of Defense in charge of spy satellites. According to its spokesman Art Haubold: "No actual plane was to be involved -- to simulate the damage from the crash, some stairwells and exits were to be closed off, forcing employees to find other ways to evacuate the building." He further explained: "It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility, as soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise." Most of the agency’s personnel were sent home after the attacks.