
Right and Rush Limbaugh is Jim Morrison, Dallas Goldbug has infected your brain you are the joke.

The jokes on you...Hitler is Walt Disney, rnHerman Goerhing is HL Hunt media over, read em and weep

"The Iraqis threw the Kuwait babies out of the incubators and left them to die on the cold floor so that they could steal the incubators." Seems like I’ve heard this lie before.

THE ZIONISTS IN ISRAEL have been imprisoning, torturing and killing Palestinians CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE LAST 75 YEARS since the forced implantation of the State of Israel in Palestinian land in 1947-8 !!! And this has been done with the clear financing and support of the “presidents’ of the American Empire including Trump !!!rnYou are completely blind, or brain washed by the Zionist propaganda! Netanyahu was completely aware of the plans and even the videos show that some of the “Hamas” attackers were actual Israelis dressed up to act as Palestinians. It has been just an enormous False Flag operation to justify the massacre of the people in Gaza as Netanyahu said, “it is Israel 911”. And he means it. It was carried out by Israelis to scare the population and stops the protests against his dictatorial rule and at the same time get rid off the ‘pest’ Palestinians in Gaza !!!rn

ALL LIES, many Israelis dressed as Palestinians to make the videos of taking hostages; IDF says cannot confirm the lie this woman is preaching. The claims that Hamas fighters killed 40 babies a few days ago are as fake as the videos showing planes hitting the 9/11 buildings. This type of (BS) propaganda method is as old as time. It is the same as - At the outset of WWI the regime media declared German soldiers were bayoneting Belgian babies.? Everyone should remember the narrative from the regime media about Iraqi soldiers killing Kuwaiti babies in incubators to make the 1st Gulf War palatable to the masses. The fake story was planted by the 15 year old daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to the U.S. The regime media screeched in horror at the gassing of Syrians by Assad a few years ago.

ALL LIES, many Israelis dressed as Palestinians to make the videos of taking hostages; IDF says cannot confirm the lie this woman is preaching. The claims that Hamas fighters killed 40 babies a few days ago are as fake as the videos showing planes hitting the 9/11 buildings. This type of (BS) propaganda method is as old as time. It is the same as - At the outset of WWI the regime media declared German soldiers were bayoneting Belgian babies.? Everyone should remember the narrative from the regime media about Iraqi soldiers killing Kuwaiti babies in incubators to make the 1st Gulf War palatable to the masses. The fake story was planted by the 15 year old daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to the U.S. The regime media screeched in horror at the gassing of Syrians by Assad a few years ago.

We have been fooled yet again. Palestine and Israel havecalwaus worked together. Fakenukes on bitchute shows 60 Minutes showing them doing this. Called Pallywood. See for yourself. All fake.

See fakenukes Pallywood bitchute. The two countries work together to bilk America.

RV Truth doesn’t allow 28s

at least this one is still reachable:

incidentally, when trying to find this file on, i discovered they deleted Dennis Wise’s complete presence there (used to have hundreds of files..)

exactly right, same old group of satan-worshipping scum

Good point. Very staged.

Yea. They keep recycling the scripts.

Perfect 10 out of 10 for this video.

A direct attack on you would draw unwanted attention upon you and your Gospel message, so they instead use stealth to war against you.

"You will know them by their fruits". I have only ever seen good fruit coming from Hugo.

Every time a growth of hatred towards the Zionists and Synagogue of Satan gets started, they orchestrate one of these fake mini-wars to attempt to garner sympathy for Isreal.

Thank you for all you do sitting in the Captain’s chair, jbossman008.