
look in florida with the felony speech laws for claimed anitsemitism speech when most of them are not even semites. they work in new york and retire in florida its bolshevism on parade down there.

brandon martinez does live chats with israelis in israel and frankly they seem to have the same intellect as mexicans and well look like them. in america white askenazi jews really seem to be the hoarder/war starters. sayanin?

Do a search on Kfar Azza, you may be surprised by the lopsided coverage. Good luck trying to find out where this place is. A reasonable person may come the conclusion that the coverage is a whirlwind of lies and fabrications, by you know who.

That crossed my mind also. The lies are flowing like the Jordan river.

Are there really even 40 babies in a village the size of Kfar Azza? I mean, that’s quite the statement.. Oh a Commander told her that.. got it.. "strollers turned over".. got it.

Oh no! Reservists had to leave their families behind for a few days? The HUMANITY!!!

"A soccer net just left to the side here!!" - " I see "In the distance" bodies being covered!" ....

"Baby Cribs Thrown to the Side".. "They’re throwing the babies out of the incubators!!"

"Babies With their heads cutt off".. yeah, sure, got it.

If the roughly 600,000 people, the entire population of GAZA, would just congregate at the Rio Grande. It would be the least we could do for Israel.

Nothing but a production. She’s such a liar. I didn’t see her traumatized by what she was sting. More like dramatized not traumatized.

All the propulsion will be sent to Israel. There’s nothing left for U.S.

And they probably threw babies out of incubators onto the cold floor. You can bet this conflict will be big when the demonization runs to these extremes.

It is probably equally well known that you are a disinformation agent. Hugo usually has short videos on Youtube-Gestapo that refer to his own page where you can see the video in full length. I have never come across Hugo providing information that shows he is controlled opposition - do you have any examples - or are you an agent who just wants to spread discord. I like this channel - and these silly exposing videos about him changing his username but keeping the same profile picture is just silly - I have changed my username but kept the same profile picture. A disinfo agent had opened a whole new account - new name new profile picture.

If I look at the picture I see the pyramid symbol with his hands.

Truthers are the most talented people on Earth !

Appreciate your showing what is happening to the Armenians via the Zionists.

Haha, this is a great comment!

This is a classic! Well done!

That was hilarious!