
Actors take your places and... ACTION!

Every time a growing hatred of the the false Jews (aka the Synagogue of Satan) starts spreading, they put one of these staged mini-wars together to attempt to garner sympathy for Israel. Except this time, the sheep have been made so apathetic that they simply don’t care.

Definitely a recycled video of controlled demolitions. The sleeping sheep won’t see it, and it mocks the awakened by making it so obvious.

It very well likely is for data mining to see how much of and how well the world is connected in preparation to simultaneously deceive the whole world with a fake alien invasion or something similar.

Pikes plan. WW3 Judisum verses Islam . This might be the big one! Yes he is right all wars are built on lies# All world leaders are on the same team. This War is to demoralize everyone to louse their faith and except Lucifer

I too Thank you all. This is the only place I know with REAL free speech. No matter how ugly or outrageous or outlandish, You share it here so I can see the truth or lie of it in my own opinion. THank you. , All of you.

Was that man holding a dog at the end.... I mean.. Come on, I know the Wag the dog meme , but they aint gotta rub it in our faces like that.... But then again, Maybe they do for their own reasons.

It looks staged to me because the camera angles are mostly tight. This is a deceptive practice that tries to make the crowd seem larger than it is.

Complete BS and a total Hoax

The whole thing is one big false flag of disinformation. I don’t believe any of the news coming out over there. The Jews are going to use this as and excuse to exterminate the rest of the Palestinians and to start a new war with Iran that the US will be stupidly involved with.

Mossad is the most funded intelligence agency in the world and it started Hamas. rn

Did anyone notice how many photographers were there ? I guess out of respect to those dead jewish babies let’s take some pictures for shits & giggles. Zionism is the culture of death.

Babies on bayonets - British press 1914...

’Kill them all - the Lord knows those that are his own’ - Arnaud Amalric, Abbot (and leader) of the Albigensian Crusade, on the eve of the massacre of the so-called heretics, at Beziers, in 1209. The narrative never changes.

I agree with your statement, but it’s the Jesuit Supreme General who controls all nations.

I’ve been noticing the flags in recent videos. How many people are ready with flags for a spontaneous rally? Another video (in Washington State) with US and Palestinian flags draped on their shoulders and other flags on poles. Not likely that several people would be doing that among the 30-40 in the video. Then two people were holding a pole with the Israel flag between them -- not even ironed out but still ready to be there in the middle of the protestors.

I was just being facetious.

I meant to emphasize, that the propaganda’s main push, is to tell everyone how bad and evil the bad guy is, as usual. Anyone looking for facts about the location will have to wade through a ton of biased reporting just to get basic information.

You are right about Romern Not sure what Hugo is doing wrong ?rn

Hugo I love your video’s. Keep on as long as you can. The Bible and our Faith is all that will mater in the end! Hope you can keep on! Yahuah keep you Safe