
Ugh Felzer still with the two party system mattering.

Quality! Needed a good laugh! Love it, thank you

Jerusalem Post shows where it’s at on the map so it must be real, .......... RIGHT?

Yes I got that too.

Isn’t it interesting that no one seems to have been injured in all these "massacres" of Israelis? No people staggering around with their bloody wounds, no ambulances anywhere, but just lots of sacks of potatoes, er, I mean body bags, carted around on stretchers for the media to photograph. Compare this to coverage of the real attacks taking place in Gaza.

In fact, she looks like she is smiling.

Biden’s October Surprise. The Missiles of October.

I am listening to the Whores of war, makes me sick. We are looking at yet another October surprise.

That’s coming no doubt, and they won’t be happy with the US for the it’s support for Israel, if they previously had no inclination be be a terrorist, they might find this a good time to change their minds, and strike back at what they perceive to be the Great Satan.

That’s a good way to put it.

Those canons in the distance could easily be harmless audio weaponry. Lookoutfa Charlie has done exteuresearch on this subject.

Try as this reporter may to sound convincing, it just doesn’t pass the test, at several instances she appears to me like she is trying to refrain from laughing, she is nothing but a hollow actress with no soul.

Can`t endure this bitch`s acting non skills . Do they still employ men in these lying presstitute roles anymore ? Man !! these crappy staged events really don`t get any better, do they.

this is utterly fake. no sense of urgency. everyone standing around looking bored. it looks like a rich neighborhood and they got some stand in actors and idf and got a media whore and sold out once again. so sad. selling out again.

Yeah ,everyone looks incredibly shook up and enraged at such a heinous crime. I seem to recall another lying bitch from the manufactured Iraqi war banging on about babies and incubators. At least that witch had a modicum of acting ability, unlike this tenth rate actwhore.

We thought the propaganda and lies were bad with Covid, Sandy Hook, and 9/11, just wait for this event to fully get rolling. I’m surprised they didn’t tell us that 6 million babies were killed in this town. If they would have the majority of Americans would have believed it.

this was unbelievable before they even scripted it. poor job. hey soros i can write a better script as per most of us on 153. pathetic.

i dont mean to down mexicans or israelis its to contrast a point.

look in florida with the felony speech laws for claimed anitsemitism speech when most of them are not even semites. they work in new york and retire in florida its bolshevism on parade down there.

brandon martinez does live chats with israelis in israel and frankly they seem to have the same intellect as mexicans and well look like them. in america white askenazi jews really seem to be the hoarder/war starters. sayanin?