
These demons could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Sell out traitors all need to hang.

So many educated people are morons

(follow-up in description) When Lovell announced his rare cancer diagnosis in 2021, he was 54 and in seemingly great physical shape. The AVID RUNNER said his faith helped him process and accept the unknown. Nobody links his cancer, and the rabid Marquette University Covid19 ShotFest three years prior, with the start of his cancer journey, and eventual death, three years hence.

and THAT is why they brought the voodoo to the u.s. anytime there was a chance for freedom they use the voodoo to stop it. same with masons: also a nigger cult. voodoo, masonry, kabbalah, catholicism, government it’s all the synagogue of satan. the very feces from satan’s ass incarnate. The masons have even been more destructive than the voodoo, or in the same level. satan needs both to survive.

fitting that they played la cucaracha. cockroach fo’ sho’!

social programs for elderly = vaccine death.

What it might look like is pseudoscience, animation is right, for all intents and purpose’s they are cartoons, it’s all fake to shear the Sheeple.

no one is getting any where near so much as a dog catcher position or vector control of manager unless they’re part of the shit. That’s why I go blue in the face trying to tell people Trump is just another nigger whore and people act like he is the savior when he has shown through words and actions and a trans-“wife” that “he” is a Judas Goat whore.

verbal text? verbal attack!

something was going on lately with a mass verbal text against the cartel. They were down at the border, the governors saying it was the cartel behind the millions of people coming through the border as the cartel has something to gain from it and then they were up at the Montana Indian reservations, causing havoc. Every time I turned around it was the cartel. The cartel is bringing the fentanyl in, it’s all the same and those mafia that are not end up like MS 13 or mafia in Italy they claim they just took down and threw in a custom made prison just like they made a custom-made prison for MS 13 the equivalent of a FEMA camp, I suppose

is it a female. actually looks like it might be…(?). Either way “jewish” president doesn’t bode well for humanity. I wonder what ever happened to the biological jews. just like the biological female is going extinct and is doing its best to help that extinction by not recognizing creatures like serena williams is NOT a woman. If you can’t see that serena is a male of its species then you certainly won’t see the man in Taylor Swift.

alex Jones. one searches for the right word. Cunt? Judas Goat for sure, like Trump. Both clearly show who and what they are and maintain followers.

Is someone going to send Bill Gates back to hell or what!

note that all through history they’ll use the ones they call african to run interference and be the fool for any human uprising. They did it with George Floyd when humans rose up against the muzzle mandate and they did it to hundred-plus years ago when americans realized the fraud of the revolution and the u.s . government was the same shit and worse that they already had. The so-called whiskey rebellion where the “slaves” were used to hold off the humans until Judas Goat homosexual George Washington got there with thousands of troops and put down the attempt for freedom.

…an unvaxxed african will be moving into Mosely’s home soon.

E don’t know our history but this has to be one of the darkest moments in history. Not just for the deaths but to observe the gullibility of the human being.

It really is like the ice bucket challenge. The same people I saw go out in winter and dump a bucket of ice on their head and share it on youtube also got the vaccine so they could be part of something bigger than themselves. Just like joining a gang or a cult.

Well, Bill Gates said he would kill with vaccines (and improvements in health and reproductive care) and there he was. a couple years later, telling people to take his vaccine. Pretty sure that it was him who, on the day it was released, said “welcome to the zombie apocalypse.”

Revelation of the method!

It’s OK because there is science behind their fraud. And it’s OK because there is science behind their lying. Lying to cover up fraud has become a science in and of itself. Lyingtists.