
That too.

Most organic companies sold out long time ago. Buyers beware!rnUPDATE*

I don’t watch that ridiculous show either, but when seeking the truth, one is required to enter that premiere hog wallow of lies. I’m taking a second look at the false beliefs behind Juneteenth, stay tuned!

seeing whoopie goldberg cracked me up cus it reminded me of her arguing with the jewess behar about ww2 and that it was not about race because jews and germans were the same race. the audience went silent as the jew scrambled to go to a commercial break. whoopie was made to apologetically prostrate herself on the alter of the false jew for telling the truth. they like to use the weaponized term "racist" but the fact is whoopie was correct. i dont watch that vapid show or tv i caught the clip on this channel or somewhere else maybe pre-ytube purge.


Its "Hollow-Cost"

He’s a high profile gay fucker

Amazing FAF Photos.

I have no sympathy because these people were paid to promote the jab, and took the money. They never stopped to do their job, they just repeat. Unfortunately for this guy, he wasn’t part of the inner circle (wrong religion I guess?) and so when it was time to get jabbed, he got the same as most people, which was Russian roulette at best.

Speaking out is only ok, if you have a small channel on the alternative websites. The bigger voice you are, the more urgent it is you are shut up. The question why not everyone gets killed? I don’t know, it’s as if some people are protected somehow

Sugar coating and twisting reality is a very bad idea on any site or venue. I don’t expect anyone to blindly accept my proposition or my particular postulation on reality, but if these videos get people to question what they are being told by those expecting total compliance and submission to their propaganda, then it’s all worthwhile.

I get it, many others visit this site, that don’t have the same vision of those who are regular members who donate and put their money where their mouths are.

Being called a Rasis and a bigot, is the heavy price anyone pays for going against racially charged, mainstream propaganda. Juneteenth has been sugar coated and promoted as a just cause, to be rammed down everybody’s throat once a year for eternity (or until people wise up to the scam). No different than pride month, MLK day, the HollowCause, among many other cultural reprogramming efforts by that special group who believe they are making the world a better place. I just point out that, if the effort is to make the world a better place, the plan doesn’t seem to be working. In the end, I’m just the naughty little boy pointing out, that the emperor is naked.

All I’m saying is this whole movement is misdirected. This is a direct result of the Great Society, which ended up not being great at all.

Slavery or not, does this make the behavior of these “savages” in the video acceptable?

Voted the greatest marketing slogon yet created -- "Diamonds Are Forever"

I’m sure you’ll catch flak for being a racist bigot on this one. Although the information is readily available, not much of it ever becomes acknowledged that Jews Arabs and their own countrymen sold them into slavery. Slavery in any form on any race can never be condoned.

Josey doesn’t hang out here much.

Pitiful fucker. He seemed to imitate bill gates in his speech and gestures. I think he idolized him. If he is a real person.Betcha gates never got the jab.

People sacrificing their kids. Common sense would have prevented it. With all the info out there even about the frigging flu shot, and they still sacrificed their kid on the altar of almighty pharma, the God of death and turmoil.