
Vatican plays us all against each other, against future offspring and humanity.

Weapons system disguised. And all those do-good sci types, totally totally duped, stooged, used.

Always "sea level". Never "sea curve". It’s always been right there, in two words! Nothing could be simpler.

There’s a video of several t-shirts of differing colors. The blue LASER does not burn the blue t-shirt (because blue t-shirt reflects blue LASER light); meanwhile, all other colored t-shirts (which absorb blue LASER light) burn. Not understanding the video’s intent of trying to deny what’s already known and proven.

How does the Swiss Guard Clownery at Vatican consistently go unmentioned?

The last appeal to reason found on bitchute

Wow omg crazy stuff! Evil

What a bunch of boomer-tier garbage. Jews run the FED and the government.

Hopefully no wars happen before I reach my 30’s so I don’t have to go fight a pointless war for these evil people.

The more you expose the facts to the government the more they called me crazy.

No guns for citizens = police state. Period end of story...

Getcha boosta !!!

rock on Mr Cheswick

Howdy, have you ever heard of Dr. Jennifer Daniels? She is the turpentine guru, and she is right there in Panama

? they never fooled me since my 6 years old.

Anti Semite means literally anti Shem one of Noah blood line’s who are represented by Persian s, Babylonia, and not definitely Caucasian AshkeNAZI tribal hordes from Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany,lol the name Steelers are also international vocational training schemers liars to core .


Sad, sad story. Kids have no choice but to rely on their parents to use common sense and do the right thing. It’s been my life’s experience that the smartest people with the most common sense skip the "Higher Education". That is the roundabout meaning of this video.

He Ded!

Forever grateful.