
Just came across this when using Chat GPT

It’s all by design , after JFK choices that make one puke presented in luxurious giift packed to match your taste, Biggest toll is taken on true Patriots who usually don’t have a huge flag outside their porches It’s downhill all the way by deceit and deception just like the Pier or trojen horse of Gaza for aid but used to extract 4 to kill over 300 , maybe the price was "worth it" only for them , So yes change is irreversible he is spot on.

They are KHAZARIANS who converted to Judaism en masse in 740AD.

You can bank on that.

St rose of Lima graduates maybe...Sandy Hook had been closed for years.

Satanic Khazarian convert.

Stupid Moron deserves to be where he is at for duping people to take the devil’s potion. When this bird flu nonsense has fully hypnotized the minds of the Sheeple, more people will succumb to the previous covid jabs, but will blame it on the bird flu or any other fake virus they decide to come up with, then they will start all over again vaccinating humanity and locking them down, until people have had enough and decide to hang all these lying evil bastards.

Coincidently, this morning an article from the Democratic and Chronicle just appeared on my Google feed about this very topic ....and they said you have to exit the vehicle after a simple traffic stop if the cop orders you out of the vehicle....go figure...they sited Pennsylania vs Mimms.

Forced conscription, you are a slave to this government.

Yes, DJT said he saved millions of lives but that too has proven to be a lie to anyone who carefully has looked into this, millions if not billions have already died worldwide including many more with life changing debilitating injuries. Mark Crispin Miller puts out updates every week for those interested........

Your point?

I haven’t been on this platform for a few years and cannot believe this shit is still going on. It was like I got pulled back into 2020. rnI live in an area that loves Trump as if he is any different than these other pieces of shit.

Dr. Brooks has a large following. Rare truth.

good stuff.

last i checked he removed the payment requirement for picture uploads so maybe there’s no payment for starting groups?

damn dude...wish you wouldnt have brought guns into this im also in pain :( all those guns you couldve had...

See also :

To my knowledge someone set off that car alarm to be a nuisance to deniro :D

Attorney Shield Inc.

"Cooper james". Sounds like a man that knows only 1 language, unlike the cleric here, im sure :)