
The more you expose the facts to the government the more they called me crazy.

No guns for citizens = police state. Period end of story...

Getcha boosta !!!

rock on Mr Cheswick

Howdy, have you ever heard of Dr. Jennifer Daniels? She is the turpentine guru, and she is right there in Panama

? they never fooled me since my 6 years old.

Anti Semite means literally anti Shem one of Noah blood line’s who are represented by Persian s, Babylonia, and not definitely Caucasian AshkeNAZI tribal hordes from Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany,lol the name Steelers are also international vocational training schemers liars to core .


Sad, sad story. Kids have no choice but to rely on their parents to use common sense and do the right thing. It’s been my life’s experience that the smartest people with the most common sense skip the "Higher Education". That is the roundabout meaning of this video.

He Ded!

Forever grateful.

Poor kid was FrankenVaxxed to death. All their fault. Should have been them instead of their child.

Tough for me to find that credible given the multiple collapse points the length of the bridge and only one alleged contact point with ship.

lol. Unbelievable.

Nice one

These demons could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Sell out traitors all need to hang.

So many educated people are morons

(follow-up in description) When Lovell announced his rare cancer diagnosis in 2021, he was 54 and in seemingly great physical shape. The AVID RUNNER said his faith helped him process and accept the unknown. Nobody links his cancer, and the rabid Marquette University Covid19 ShotFest three years prior, with the start of his cancer journey, and eventual death, three years hence.

and THAT is why they brought the voodoo to the u.s. anytime there was a chance for freedom they use the voodoo to stop it. same with masons: also a nigger cult. voodoo, masonry, kabbalah, catholicism, government it’s all the synagogue of satan. the very feces from satan’s ass incarnate. The masons have even been more destructive than the voodoo, or in the same level. satan needs both to survive.

fitting that they played la cucaracha. cockroach fo’ sho’!