
One of the best!

You train your dog to chase lizard. Dude that a crime against lizardery. Dont wonder why they ban your channel after that heinous crime.

Diary of a Mad.Black Woman?

Sharing this site is priceless. Thanks for being a great dog dad!

That’s been up for quite a while not?


Great job

T h ank ypu

I always show people the Supertramp album reversed showing 911 and as usual they say it just a coincidence.

Bro im a IT professional i could setup the backup...BTW where to vote ?

You’re right it is a controlled opposition platform. The owner of took part in the Pittsburgh synagogue fake shooting. The shooter/actor used It’s still free speech especially in the group I linked that exposes fake shootings and hoaxes. The owner of that group is someone that uses this website.

I don’t pay 10$ a month for gab pro and I can still post 8 minute videos to a group.

I think the controlled demolitions consist of a part of explosive and DEW. They found trace of explosive like nano thermate (A&E for 9/11 more bullshit) but to totaly desintegrate, in around 10 seconds a 110 stories building, the amount of explosive require will be too hard to hide so they used also DEW (Dr Judy Wood, so called Hutchison effect wich BTW cannot be reproduce outside his lab). The use of DEW will also explain why the fire lasted over 100 days. So they use explosive so weak the structure and finich the job with DEW. The fact you have two opposing group, A&E for 9/11 more Bullshit vs Judy Wood, wich contredict the argument of the other give to any debunker a lot of tool and any thruter will doubt....very clever to have 2 opposing controlled opposition

Assange for me is just a soft version of Alex Jones. While AJ target WWF audience, JA target a more educated crowd. But both share something in common they are the example of DONT DO LIKE JOE OTHERWISE...BTW anybody with mainstream exposure start with 3 strike in my book...not 2 but 3...out without even swinging, I never consulted WiKiLeach

Weather warfare against the American People in NC !

Through the Migrant POS out in the Garbage ! INVADERS !!!!

10 % my ass ! You LIAR ! POS !

Yes they are POS ! Pieces of Shit !

this behaviour can only be explain by blackmail
