
Definitely a new low . Sickening . Great job exposing this hoax . Thank you so much for all your work .

I hate liars .

The tell-lie-vision told you it was a compound, it was a community of like minded people. Compounds like the one in Gaza have to be exterminated according to the elites and SYNAGOGUE of Satan who run and hide in their bunkers (AKA TUNNELS) while they cause calamity upon the earth.

Solid coverage, MattyD

The way he described it you’d think it was like the compound in Waco.

The farmhouse looks like a compound, aah ha ha ha. Right!

Thank you Jason

The fellow you called out is still thumbing down video, that slug won’t crawl out from under his rock and reveal himself, you would have to a least respect his honesty, but he chooses to remain in his dank dark shadows.

Chris Cuomo CC = 33, The whole family is a bunch of elite liars, it amazing that that he couldn’t finish his sentence saying about that thing, there by the grace.......... he couldn’t say there by the grace of God go I, that’s not at all surprising.

The threat is not over, it’s well into the implementation stage. Anyone who had their head screwed on straight knew this was a Psyop right out of the gate and knew the alleged fabricated assailant would end up dead , Lewiston Maine did a mass casualty rehearsal in this city just a little over a year ago, home of the Blue Devils BTW. Everyone should listen to Peggy Hall’s assessment from the Healthy American. Titled The Victims of Lewiston Maine.

Perfect analogy , a Trojan Horse .

MAN !! they really are dredging the bottom of the barrel with these mind numbing clowns

I thought Jim was going to take Gary’s head off. He is not only in left field on this he is out of the stadium. This isn’t any different than Disnfo Agent Alex Jones gaining a following of 2nd Amendment Patriots and those opposed to Government corruption and using of children being killed with the most evil gun in America for an agenda of gun confiscation because they abhor freedom. Yes Alex Jones has said some things that were spot on about Sandy Hook INITIALLY, but then threw all those who strongly believed that he was a poster child for the Sandy Hook Truth Movement under the bus saying schizophrenic Sandy Hook Truthers made me believe no one died at Sandy Hook, discrediting everyone who dared say something is not right about this and had the courage to investigate it and use critical thinking. Ted is doing the same here as he is seen as a gun nut among the liberal left who believe the 2nd Amendment according to them is antiquated. Ted is trying to discredit and disparage genuine 2nd Amendment followers. To put this another way, Ted Nugent is a Trojan Horse, just like Alex Jones and I hope that analogy will change the minds respectfully of those that disagree.

Nugent studied all those hoaxes and he came up with REAL ? Then NOTHING he says can be trusted , period . Hell , I guess Alex Jones , Joe Rogan , Snopes and all the rest of the cointepro sellouts should be trusted also . No thanks . People need to guit making excuses for these pieces of shit and call them out for what they really are ... THE ENEMY .

So painful to listen to theses clowns and their media coach .

Ted is a shill and to use Jim’s terminology I’m flabbergasted that so many don’t get it.

Very well said Jim. Just because Nugent may have the story wrong on some very key points, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. We should seek the truth wherever and whenever we can get it. If we only accept complete all-knowing truth with no mistakes, inaccuracies or differences of opinion, we’re done for. We become no better than people who actively deny the truth to others. All we need are the "old guys" to point out the deficiencies of any story, and that’s where you come in. Eventually, the new guys become the old guys, and so it goes. Alternative media is making great progress, thanks to you.

Jews are not intellectually superior to Asians or whites.

Nugent is a fed agent , period . Reach out to him Jim and get it on film , show us he is just misinformed . I will bet anything that he will never go back on his Rogan interview statements .

Santa Fe HS 2018, 10 killed. Yeah the gauze was taped to his hair, kept coming loose. Found it.