
From Wikipedia- "Cornhole is a lawn game popular in North America in which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised, angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score points by either landing a bag on the board or putting a bag through the hole." rnNot the unnatural act.rnrnrnrn

Link to Sandy Hook Magic Bathroom

The Auld Scots definition of, ’Re-set’, made me remember that, ’Re-setting’, is still a crime in Scotland. I have always understood it to pertain to the buying and or selling of stolen property - which amounts to the same thing.

Thank you Side Thorn!

Kaitlin Roig’s stacking of kids is classic - and once again - how can anyone believe that 15 kids was in there. People want to be deceived.

Really interesting interview. Lark in Texas is spot on. I had noticed that the term, ’Community’, had entered our vocabulary in a big way. Emmanuel Macron actually said (a few years ago now) that our days of, ’rights’, are over - it’s time for, ’responsibilities’, now.

That worthless p.o.s will always hide . I can’t imagine being that much of a loser and having to look in the mirror every day ?

Excellent video !

Excellent timing for this video . WAKE UP SHEEP !!!

ATWIAS Please check the date at 38:10. What do you think?

Ahhh yes the oldies but duping delight goodies. So many things to touch upon here including the color coding, but smiles steal the show. Ted Nugent said he has studied all these mass shootings extensively including Sandy Hook, I wonder if Ted ever saw the episode of Doctor Oz and Kaitlin Roig, the heroin Sandy Hook teacher and how she crammed 15 school children into a bathroom that didn’t even have a sink for kids to wash their hands after they did their duty, and it was crowded for even 1 adult, you have to be stupid to try and explain that one away and Ted couldn’t do it either if he studied that one incident for 6 months. That episode is here on 153 News titled the Sandy Hook Magic Bathroom if you can find it.

Thanks for uploading this oldie goodie, it’s my video and I re-watched it and had a laugh.rnrn It’s unbelievable that someone watching this on TV can believe that these mass shootings are real. Everyone being interviewed looks like they have won big on lottery. rnrnHowever, I wonder where No Identity has gone? I haven’t seen him post a video in years. I use his voice in the video of the Freeman High Phony Fake Shooting in Spokane. Here is his channel: thing, where did Trust One news go? He disappeared after Las Vegas Phony Fake Shooting. i Miss you guys...


Wow, I usually am not able to spot a photoshopped photo but this one was really easy.

Look at the guy arm on the left side at 2: 37, you don’t even need to zoom in to see it’s just another Photoshop job. They do this all the time when they show these fake mass shootings!

You need ear protection when shooting firearms outdoors, indoors without hearing protection can be deafening and can cause permanent hearing loss especially from an AR type rifle, yet this stooge said he thought it was firecrackers, right out of their playbook how many times have we heard that before? Ironically the Perp here CGI or real is not wearing hearing protection, and the fake stream media is saying he killed 18 and wounded many more who were shot multiple times and he had extended magazines. We saw the El Paso Walmart shooter wearing different clothing with hearing protection, none of it makes any sense because it’s all fake.

Correction, exportation, not imports ...... Thus far.

Once again, the dead were always the greatest, most loving people on the face of the earth. Never and I mean Never does an evil, mean spirited bastard ever get shot in one one of these events. They are always the pillars of the community.

Also just in the Department of Commerce has just ordered a 90 day ban on the importation of civilians firearms and ammunition according to Reuters News Agency, something big is coming soon.

I immediately thought of Waco too.