
I can understand how this song/sentiment came about. America was colonised by Europeans (Scots from the 1745 rebellion, through to the Highland Clearances and later, the orchestrated famine in Ireland) who had no options left in the ’Old World’, and arrived there, indentured, on land, owned/stolen by the younger sons of the same aristocracy who had run them off their home lands. So, when they gained freedom from the Crown, it must have seemed like real liberty.

As Terrible Tim would say fake As F#@K

If you don’t know by know that America and Israel are the enemies of the entire human race, I can’t help you? You are the problem. If you think the solution to the world’s problems is gonna come out of the puritan empire’ hell-bent on doing the J*** bidding, please don’t post your nonsense on a platform that is dedicated to truth and justice. Sorry for having to be so blunt.

God bless you STJ. F*** America and the stupid enlightenment it rode in upon!!!!!!

I TRIED my best to tell some die hard Trump supporters about his quote on the gun thing and no on would budge!! And wasn’t it interesting that if the media hated him so much they would’ve made that statement headline news???? Not one peep. I think he messed up. It was crickets from the media.

I don’t doubt that but we can’t move the subject like shown in the video.rn

I knew this would ruffle many feathers. I’m impressed as usual by the variety of response, here and on other platforms. The full spectrum, from religious fervor to atheistic condemnation. I have to admit that the topic is controversial mainly because people can’t seem to figure out where self preservation fits into the picture. If a guy says we, he’s accused of being a nationalist , if he uses the word God, he’s a religious nut. People know me well enough, that if I ever say anything good about Trump, it doesn’t mean I have a hatrack full of red hats. Still some do attack the messenger occasionally ,and that’s a very good measuring stick.

I caught that too! I was like that the heck?

Another eye witness said he DIDN’T go around spraying bullets everywhere that it was a calculated person to person kill. So when they speak GARBAGE like this don’t they at least TRY to get the facts straight?????

Absolutely agree with you!! One person even made the comment about the gun as a "long gun"! UNBELIEVABLE! Who call is it a long gun except for crisis actors??? Freakin joke!

Clearly a low-budget event.

Oh, this is painful. Lmao!

This HAS to be a skit surely. "Godly" AmeriKa ,died ( along with most of the "Christian" West )a long time ago All that`s required now ,is its burial .

These actwhores and their lame and tired scripts ,really do not get any better. Proving yet again, that you cannot fake real. Well at least with these dismal acting wannabees

Just like all the fake mall shootings . "Dinosaurs" ripe for the picking .

LAUGHABLE ! ! recoil from the handgun and the worst acting I’ve seen since Cassidy Stay.

Why Maine?...............just like the Florida airport fake shooting just before they were to vote on a bill to allow conceal carry in airports. Back in June the proposed bill to require background checks for private gun sales failed to pass. Also Maine doesn’t have a red flag law that’s why all the BS about him having known metal issues. Red flag laws are the most dangerous thing to the 2nd amendment that I can think of.

Took all my power to get to the end . That song is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me . I hate EVERYTHING about this evil place especially the citizens who not only stood by but actually openly supported the atrocities this cesspool has projected onto the innocents of the world . GOD FUCK AMERICA .

lol that was Great . you are correct! Nothing will change until we the people stand up and all stand together. Not probable one by themselves will stop them from extorting us all. Sadly I don’t have much hope that this will ever happen. But I commend you for your efforts

For America to be blessed the People must awaken to truth and we must all repent and stop breaking Yah’s laws. Keep his calender . The moon starts the month day one. New Moon day. Worship Day not work. 6 work days 8 th day of month is Yah’s Sabboth and so on. 15th 22nd29th of every Luner month. Study this out. Don’t take my word for it! Prove all things! Hold fast to the Truth! Smiles and Yah bless all who love him.