
One of the first gun shows I was planning to attend immediately following the PLANDEMIC were urging people to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines as recommend by the Governor of Michigan Wretched Whitmer, just like all other business they had to follow those policies in order to stay in business, and the same was the case at a pay to shoot outdoor gun range, this led me to believe that they would all succumb to government edicts if they were told to do so and threatened to loose their ability to stay in business and loose their license. We will see a return of this if the lights don’t go out first, mark my word.

People here often say, these people in Hollywood or the Music Industry don’t get elevated to this kind of fame and fortune if they weren’t placed there, it’s often referred to as PROJECT MONARCH or MKULTRA, and we can see how many in Hollywood and the Music Industry no matter what genre it is have come out to push the covid-19 jab in commercials. While Ted Nugent seemed to do the opposite, after saying covid was fake and mask wearing and social distancing were useless, he then did an about face saying he caught covid and tested positive for it and thought he was going to die planting the seed in viewers minds and his followers, hey I was wrong, you can catch covid and die from it, maybe you ought to take some preventive measures like the government is suggesting. Ted is controlled opposition in my opinion and he has controllers just as do all the Presidents, including Donald Trump who he pushes incessantly.

No movie ever made does justice to what really happens to pedophiles in the federal prison system . The things I witnessed even blew my mind . I’m sure Ted was explained to in great detail what his choices would be without his full cooperation . Freedom and a Deputy Sheriff position for life versus the alternative , you could see why the pedophile sold out .

Probably exactly how they got him .

If they can’t buy someone they can always use blackmail.

They try to cover everything. No warning signs...............means we have to get rid of all guns because anyone can snap at any time. There were many warning signs.............means if we just had a red flag law here he could have been stopped before the shooting.

A Cornhole tournament? What?

so weird that people would even listen to pagan filth that lies about so many things. In all honesty I’d forget about serials that deem all non WEFists as trash and animals. It is God Who has created all humanity, not some queer who knows zero about Jesus and His Father.

calling mRNA treatments vaccines is like calling salt sugar

Keep them coming m8. I did watch pt2 attentively and I see there are many cuts in important parts. What do you think, hoax? Surely it’s a false flag but are the guys in the car dummies? What do you think? I tend to believe they did kill some people down there. Keep them coming, keep them coming. Keep them coming. Keep them coming. Keep them coming. Wherever they come from doesn’t matter, it’s the content that matters.

Like the Oct 2019 Agenda 201 concerning a Novel virus was just a mock staged event to brace for the ’’real’’ thing?? Seems lots of these pre planned private funded get togethers mostly lead to real world events, why is that? Why were the well and healthy forced to take a medical treatment or lose their jobs? What sort of a Satanist world is this mad insane joint? answer? Try us ’'useless’’ eaters have now become a mass experiment platform that the DoD the world over controls. Think I’m kidding? Almost all Global Health Regs were changed in 2015/16 giving ’'Health’’ authorities more powers than the police. Armies are now deployed to enforce ’'complience’' Welcome to the 1984 rollouts.

An "Ar-15 Style" rifle

Thank you!

Everytown "strong" Do the same thing these tyrants are doing you keyboard warriors. Signs and "stickers" work! Go to the closest place you can find that sells ads. Pay a couple hundred bucks for stickers of your own design to be made showcasing "153NEWS". Stick them everywhere you feel they are going to be seen.. We can play the same game these bastards play... Grass roots works.


That’s Awesome that Jeff and his team can help out

That’s Awesome that Jeff and his team can help those hurting people

Not one tear from these scumbags.

Yes let’s all follow the guidance of our local law enforcement, the same kind of guidance we saw during the Scamdemic, who wore their side arms and had their select fire AR rifles close by and would not hesitate to use them if we disobeyed their orders from the evil governors. I will never trust anyone called law enforcement; they have shown their true colors.

Definitely a new low . Sickening . Great job exposing this hoax . Thank you so much for all your work .