
Took all my power to get to the end . That song is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me . I hate EVERYTHING about this evil place especially the citizens who not only stood by but actually openly supported the atrocities this cesspool has projected onto the innocents of the world . GOD FUCK AMERICA .

lol that was Great . you are correct! Nothing will change until we the people stand up and all stand together. Not probable one by themselves will stop them from extorting us all. Sadly I don’t have much hope that this will ever happen. But I commend you for your efforts

For America to be blessed the People must awaken to truth and we must all repent and stop breaking Yah’s laws. Keep his calender . The moon starts the month day one. New Moon day. Worship Day not work. 6 work days 8 th day of month is Yah’s Sabboth and so on. 15th 22nd29th of every Luner month. Study this out. Don’t take my word for it! Prove all things! Hold fast to the Truth! Smiles and Yah bless all who love him.

Zoom in on the picture and look how even his legs have red border around his leg, the perspective is wrong and the picture looks very blurry. This is a really bad paste job

Yup. No people Shooting at empty buildings. Heavy Breathing in empty building? What was he afraid of? A goblin or goast? Fake Fake Fake! Fighting Shadows. Looked like a ghost town. lol

One of my guys checked this post and nothing moves not even the image.

Always a “Pop”!

Lester got sucker punched on that last one! The guy went off script

Grazed by a bullet (what are the chances?). And already home like north ever happened! No worse for the wear!

That’s why they still have a channel on youtube. Everyone who had a decent content was banned long time ago.

I would think that a firearm instructor would use a semi-auto pistol if his intent was to kill many people in a gun free zone. I was wondering when the gun-grab roadshow would resume. They must have itchy trigger fingers by now.

Poor jizreel. Always the forever victim. They never done anything wrong yet everybody wants them gone. Victim, victim, victim. The 2000yr old yiddish gripe of victimhood with no allowable debate or question as to why. Hey remember that war jizreel had to fight back in 67 for its survival? The one against the USS Liberty? That was a close one but jizreel by the grace of victimhood prevailed.

No doubt . #fakeasfuck

50 mile lockdowns , business shutdowns and "shelter in place" orders . These gutless American sheep will line right up for the gallows the day their masters demand it . Covid and the Boston Marathon hoaxes all wrapped up in one .

They’re laughing at us.

Everyone on YouTube that has a channel that I have seen so far is misleading people calling this a real event and asking viewer’s to pray for these people, yes you should pray for them to repent so they don’t go to hell for bearing false witness. One fellow took a poll several days ago to see how many viewer’s believe the media lies, 99% said they believe they lie but immediately following this event he is again believing the media that people died in this hoax. It is in fact unbelievable.

Lol same old bs!! These mf! Don’t stop! Sadly most people I know believed this crap! Tv is the main weapon second is haarp ,chemtrails, or gmo foods..

Keep the evil BLACK GUN narrative alive. Realistic active shooter drill in my opinion.

Probably the same guy that called me a liar in a video and didn’t have the balls to leave his responses up for everyone to view and then like a coward deleted them.

Let me get this. He’s a HERO for running at a guy shooting an AR15 with a COOKING KNIFE????? No, the mind boggles.