
Showed his true colors that day . Just another Illuminati bitch .

Exactly and not to mention that the U.S. military and U.N. troops also use AR15 ’s so the people could arm themselves of the magazines and ammo off of the killed door to door invaders .

There is no way we are going door to door to conviscate firearms until they turn in all those damn semi auto rifles that pierce body armor. We can then deal with the shotguns and handguns.

A catchy ad on a Monday is not enough, we need to be repetitive about this and really just brainwash people..........................AND my nail gun won’t shoot a nail unless it contacts something. Was it a cordless nail gun or was he pulling a compressor along with him?

ah yes, they took her out with some made up story

Yeah and all the military MRAP’s and other hardware that Trump supplied all the police departments. Get the guns 1st worry about due process later .

plenty of video of real anguish...maybe this it to paint the picture war sucks but not that bad kinda emotion...the really horrific heartbreak is usually hidden...this strikes no intense emotional reaction...maybe that is the goal? could have been few crisis actors and green screen.

And the scripts for these keep getting more and more ridiculous.

Use of children to evoke an emotional response is a common tactic of propagandists. What she is saying may very well be true, but using children in this manner is reprehensible.

It should be renamed to "Child Trafficking Services".

One of those hand signs near the end looks possibly Masonic and there are contradictions present. I don’t think there is enough to conclusively say that it is fake; however, there is certainly enough suspicion present to justify further investigation. We all do need to remember that the Jesuits, Freemasons, and other Luciferian dickwads love to control both sides of the narrative via the Hegelian dialectic. The real question is, "What is their real agenda and end goal in all of this?" Is it to give the U.N. more worldwide power as a "peace-keeping" force? Or is it something else? We need to always keep in mind that these powers that shouldn’t be are always planning multiple steps ahead.

I’m God, doing a bit here. Oh you guys dumb as dumb as I made you. I won’t rescue they. I’m God I made everything, now you showing what’s happening, don’t you know.. I KNOW THAT!! Are you retard? I’m God I know it all my friend, just don’t worry, keep eatting the way you do... we have more health clinics going up than bars these days. You will be saved. Someday I’ll be saved .. signed by God. LOLOL.

When dey gaz uz, I hid under dey bodeez und den I crawl out und den de guardz try to shoots but I run und hide in de swimmingk pool, next to the theater und football fieldt.

One person still sees fit to thumb down a good video from the shadows, the least you do is put you objections in print.

Come on Martial Law ...

Anadolu English is the English edition of the Turkish state news agency. The pose is a religious pose of prayer.

I’ve just been shot in the gut, watched both of my parents die in front of me, and my first instinct is to give an interview with CNN. Uh huh. Also, the girl in pink can’t even read her lines off of the tele-prompter correctly without giggling.

I remember viewing a school shooting from Live Leak, or Best, if I remember correctly from Brazil where the teenage assailants used a bow and arrow and a pistol, and a hatchet and it looked extremely authentic as one of the perpetrators hacked a young girl to death with his hatchet, that was the only video I saw that was legitimate, and it didn’t stay up long before it was removed, it’s possible it may be here in the archives of 153News. Edited link from YT.

making fun, or being harsh will not move nobody. Your bit kid, shoots them away.

This is so disgusting, using children for their propaganda. There are enough children with amputated limbs and burns, they don’t need to do this.