
Glenn. Why not go live in Israel, then? Take the first plane out.

I like the Walk and Talks as well, its nice to have the discussion and see some nice countryside

Looks like New Orleans began moving toward becoming a Smart City a few years back. It has a Climate and Sustainability Committee.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Glenn Beck, is a sellout, he had an astronaut on his program and could’ve held his feet to the fire, but nope, softball questions the whole time. I hated this guy when he had a chalkboard years ago. Glenn Beck is 33 in numerology,

Grabbler football is right!! Thx you Gary and Jim!!! I love this show

As Always a Great show !

Great Short video !@

To make your argument requires proof of a dead shooter and proper ID of that shooter. You have neither. Even if you had that, your argument would be pure speculation.

if there was any question at all about this guy, he outed himself right here.

Hmm...that was too small for me to see. But, I can say that, ’Castle Rock’, refers to, Stirling Castle, which was built on the rock, by freemasons, several centuries before the Whitehouse was even thought of. Or so they tell us. The dots are there. We just need to join them.

Yes!rnJesuits; Rulers of Evil.

LISTEN TO THIS LITTLE RAT Holocaust Denial in the Arab World with Edy Cohen


Hello, fellow Scot. We need to look closer to home for the origins of all of that.

Good job Gary.


Israeli journalist Eddy Cohen’s skepticism about the Israeli occupation’s bombing of “Abu Assi” school with white phosphorus is misleading.

Israel uses white phosphorus to target UN schoolsrn