
Israel uses white phosphorus to target UN schoolsrn

Israel uses white phosphorus to target UN schoolsrn

Sorry brother, you’re way off base on this stuff. Nobody gets killed in these hoaxes. You Hurt your credibility by posting that this was a real event.

Israel has the same problem any other country has: It’s run by the Jesuits.

There may have been a real Robert Card and maybe he got a bullet in the skull , even though that is highly unlikely , but one thing is for sure , that just like all the other fake mass shootings , there was no actual shooting and no victims whatsoever . Crisis actors reading bad scripts , YES . A real active shooter , NO .

Love it . Was attacked at a White Lives Matter rally in Austin by twelve members of Antifa , arrested for stabbing one . Should have brought a cowbell !!!

Vaxing Cows With MRNA. Yes true. MO state House fighting over weather or not to label Vaxed Meat. Not sure how that turned out? Garbage in water yesrn Distill your own Water. It is Getting ugly out here. Grow own food in green house. Hydroponically. IDK They sure making life hard! lol. Keep in Mind Death is Graduation for the Believer! Our Work is done we sleep with our fathers and ware for the ressorection. Praise Yahuah our Maker! He understands our trials and struggles. He will judge us fairly. Love Yah ! Keep his commandments. Follow his Solar Liner Calender keep his Sabboths. It the spine we belong to him. Nothing else matters in the light of eternity. Day 1 new moon day 6 work days Day 8 Sabboths day 15 Sabboths day 22 Sabboths day 29 Sabboths. Solar luner Hebrew Calenderrn Do not believe me Strdy this out for yourself. Please and love Stay Strong. Deer nothing. Only Yah..

Verax 911 makes a good point. Who can you trust? Can what they say be trusted? What are they spraying on us? New day Some ting new? How do we know? We can’t. We know what they have been spraying for decades. Barium Strontium Nanno Aluminum. I have seen Videos of people scraping magnetic substances off the windshield of their cars. Probably Grapevine. If you can sick a magnet to your meat don’t eat it. Is my recemendation. EDTA intravenously ? N not sure no nothing bout that. Hope it works

Tim don’t let ONE mistake be used by the mainstream against all of us. It’s not white phosphorous bombs.

Read answer to Ogre above.

Do you think that guy who hangs over that barrel would just go grab it? rnIf you had been in the riots/rallies of 2020/2021 like me you’d know. rnrnBesides, white phosphorous is quite hot. You wouldn’t be able to get so close to it (check 22 seconds).rnrnThe white you see in the sky is the rocket engine exhaust of hydra rockets or hellfire missiles. Trust me if this was white phosphorous you’d be seeing people flee, rather than going right where the blasts are. rnrnBe careful with these things: it takes but one mistake and the mainstream labels us all as flattards.

The World would be a much better place of everyone Kept the 10 Commandments..

The Devil comes to Steel Kill and Destroy!

There is far to much Hatered and Evil in this World ! Perhaps that why their is He’ll to pay for Some Wicked. Deeds. Not want to be in their shoes on. Judgement Day?

please not another phone video person... Get a computer or chromebook or something...

He was probably killed off. you do not mention Biden in your tags. I assume you are very young.

israel has taken over the US. Period.

The big fat woman has a dang mask on... pulled down. Such BS

He is insane

he is so weird --