
It really can be a quite chaotic process because of the difference, you’re right about that!

Great Info as always ! Keep up the good work MattyD !!!

Absolutely!! :)

The money we once used was made with hemp fiber, many clothes were made from hemp. They don’t want us independent anything, but totally dependant and enslaved to them. You can include the Jewish Mafia which we prop up with multiple billions every year, in the end they will stab us in the back.

Correct, so many came from Jewish heritage and changed their names, and good luck trying to do a Google search, they all including try to hide their origins and American citizen will often come up in their profile.

Hey Bossman, i came across something that you might find interesting. It could be a good thing or it could be bad. I don’t know. All I know is that this same message popped up on all my favorite telegram channels. Amandha Vollmer, viroliegy, humanley. I respect these people but other than that I have no idea whatever if this is the right fit for you. It could be a setup too, I just don’t know but here is the message that popped simultaneously- Ton Community. Ton reached 104,715 transactions per second, making it the fastest blockchain on the planet:

The situation in Panama is good evidence for preparing for the worst. Governments actually make an effort to discourage such wise practice. The last thing governments want, is for people to prepare in advance of their criminal actions.

I’ve noticed that the Jews tend to keep the big bucks in the family, so to speak. Many actors whom people might suspect were non-jews, actually just used the customary Jewish disguise tactic of simply changing their name. Their unrealistic onscreen persona may be etched in celluloid, but most likely they live an off-screen lifestyle more accepting of low-standard Jewish morality. I’ll make an exception for Sarah Silverman and Adam Sandler, they’re nasty pigs, either way.

Truth Stream Media (Aaron and Melissa Dykes) have made, deep-dives into this (and much, much more). Look up, ’The Minds of Men’, (a ten part documentary), by Truth Stream Media.

Certainly confirms my observations of the increasingly docile zombified sheeple in my neck of the woods. Naomi Wolfe , now THAT`S a woman

It’s been two weeks in a row I’ve featured Tim and Joe. I also agree that It’s very important information. I’m battling a head and chest cold for an unprecedented second week. After recovering once already, I’m almost recovered a second time. Very very odd.

Thanks for the tip, glad it held your attention till the end, actually there were several not included as I stopped it before it ended, ha ha.

it’s banned because it’s good for us, in every way. It used to grow in every field. It was useful as a material and it was consumed by animals, which we ate in flesh and dairy products, every day. The Rockefellers knew, exactly, what they were doing when they witch-hunted natural remedies...and, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the narcotic properties of hemp was genetically enhanced (way back then), in order to make it illegal and eradicate it from our lives.

Great conversation. I wish that we could hear more like this.

WOW, nice piece of history, great find.

Yep, 10% or less, sounds about right =( On ’the whole thing’ I’d say, for me it’s like 1% or less, but on individual issues, yeah, up to 10% TOPS Sad times we live in, hey?! But hang in there, keep your chin up and try to stay sane in an increasingly mad world, hahaha, someone’s gotta do it!!! We’re all pretty much on our own, trying to continue to do our thing with God’s help, while the world’s falling apart... and one day, all this will pass as well!! ❤

Is there anyone in Hollywood who is not? This video could have been much shorter showing the ’not’ list.

Love your comment, Cooper. So True! I like to call them the conspiracy of anti-Christ. This way you include every bad actor, not just the Jews. Deny Christ and your one of the bad guys, even if you’re just a little guy and you don’t know better. stand with Israel=eternity in flames.

I also voted for Trump in 2016. Coming to a place where what we understand and accept as truth (more truthful than before) outweighing the propaganda lies we’ve been fed all our lives, is a long, tedious and ever-changing process. A process, in which common sense thinkers, progress at different rates. Good video, thanks.

There’s also this in the news about guns.