
The kind of technology they have to remove people from their dwellings would make LRAD’s seem like toys. I hope whatever remains of this society they all adopt the mindset to remain an outlaw against the NWO.

I envision holes in blue helmets, it’s a glorious thought, akin to the old phraseology of Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, except this time it’s a just cause.

I can’t believe our Lord and savior, Donald J. Trump was involved in any of this. This can’t be true. It must be fake news! Our warp speed, Zionist, make Israel great again, future leader of this corporation we live in has his hands in lots of unsavory things.

Always feds lurking....

God willing, which god?

Yea , noticed the thumb down bitch or bitches are up to their usual covert bullshit . One day we’ll catch these pussies .

Give credit where credit is due.

It would be really helpful (and respectful to the creator of the video) if the up-loader cited the source.

The princes are near the top of the pyramid. Great video. Who is she and will we see tomorrow’s?

You sure got that right!

looks like tears fall off his nose. this one is not convincing either way.

Yeah, Why on earth would they resort to these tactics, when the overwhelming evidence is on their side already

You can always expect the unexpected around here brother. You gotta have thick skin round these parts.

I certainly didn’t expect a negative response like this. I respect everyone here. For me it showed a human side to the horror in Gaza.

Showed his true colors that day . Just another Illuminati bitch .

Exactly and not to mention that the U.S. military and U.N. troops also use AR15 ’s so the people could arm themselves of the magazines and ammo off of the killed door to door invaders .

There is no way we are going door to door to conviscate firearms until they turn in all those damn semi auto rifles that pierce body armor. We can then deal with the shotguns and handguns.

A catchy ad on a Monday is not enough, we need to be repetitive about this and really just brainwash people..........................AND my nail gun won’t shoot a nail unless it contacts something. Was it a cordless nail gun or was he pulling a compressor along with him?

ah yes, they took her out with some made up story

Yeah and all the military MRAP’s and other hardware that Trump supplied all the police departments. Get the guns 1st worry about due process later .