
Hi, I was forced to take down the other video because of a typo in one of the last slides, it was meant to read "Makeup Artist" - I had to fix it. Sorry about that. Please download this version, I removed the glitches as well. Thank you!rnHere are the links on The Michigan State University Hoax:rn

I guess this is why they hate TikTok, the constitution has already been suspended, the fact that they tell you it’s still in effect is just window dressing to deceive you and keep you docile. There shouldn’t be any question as to whether we live in a communist dictatorship, their just waiting to uncoil and strike.

I had previously downloaded your video before you removed it and then put it back up, but I hadn’t yet copied the links you provided, as I was looking forward to checking them out, tried to send private email but it says receiver doesn’t exist???

What a waste , such a beautiful country especially Patagonia , but the Argentinian people have a long history of shooting themselves in the foot . They will once again get what they deserve for the deadly path they choose .

And maybe the clip of him kissing the ass of Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum or the clip of him saying to take the guns first without due process or of him in his little Jew skullcap kissing the wall in Israel or the clip of him calling for the United Nations headquarters to be moved to Jerusalem or the clip of him and his wife visiting the victims of fake mass shootings he signed off on . The Trump worshipping shit is getting really old !!!

I don’t think the giants have ever left us. There are some extremely tall people today. That being said I think you are talking about the Nephilium, the Naphlium, and the Elioud style of giants that were during Enoch and Noah’s time. I honestly have no idea. We still need to see what happens to the children of the vaxxed and see what they become. We could have an entire generation of giants right before us and we would never know until it was to late.

I have played that clip for him, I will bring it back "By Popular Demand" next show!

I get the giant and the DNA thing. The Zionist Jews are already killing and corrupting large segments of humanity with covid vaccines, some think giants will return in the final days, what say you?

Trump is a muppet!! I don’t know Jim well ever see it. He might be blinded to it, the same way, he is blind into the flat earth. Thank you Gary.

No sound. Wrong body in the casket. Looks like a leftover dummy from the fake Waco Twin Peaks Biker Hoax.

Well Biblically speaking that has happened. From the end of the life of Moses to the end of the life of Joshua they were commanded to kill off all the inhabitants of those areas. Most people think that is terrible but you gotta realize giant DNA was left among all of them. The bloodlines were still corrupt. And it wasn’t for the Jews. It was for Israel. A Jew is only 1 tribe of 12. The problem is you need to be a covenant people to be in the assembly. Today’s Jews aren’t in covenant and they aren’t Gods chosen people. Gods chosen people don’t have abortion clinics open until 11pm at night, which the Jews of today do.

That is a fantastic idea! I second that. Since Fetzer is blinded to Trump that would be really interesting to see what he thinks.

I feel your pain brother, I have similar people at my job.

Hey Gary, can you run the clip of trump calling himself the father of the vaccine to get Jim’s reaction on that? Asking for a friend.

Anyone who believes that God would want to expel and annahilate a part of humanity because they are not Jewish and who have lived there for thousands of years before the anti God United Nations gave the Jews the green light to steal their land without any sort of recompensation whatsoever has rocks for brains. I stand with Palestine.

Excellent ! Always expose these demons with every little detail . When they see it they get livid . That is why this site is so important .

i wouold add on the effects of Jews in Israel endurring their abasement and impropriety, why dont they ask for a blessing from non-Jews and just assume the religion of those people they gain the most blessing from? they seem to be polling their conversion as a price, admitting they may have been abandoned by their creator to their present mischief?

None of these Jews are Israelitish since the Babylonian Deportations by Judeans. To bless them should be the right implications, right? is it not the Idiom of Christianity that blessing comes about to the creature that is full of imperfection and sin as though they are a bastard appealing to the care of the God of all creation to straighten and chastise it’s existence into a fit vessel of life? Just asking for a blessing implies such of a insult, but all the while it isn’t Israel about this; the Jews demand the benefits of blessing without improving itself: like taking the lottery of benefits to the bank without the maturity and becoming a better creature, but a bastard holding it’s hand out forever demanding more from others around it while resisting reciprocity. A blessing is the hidden message, a code word to identify a burdensome character, is it not?rnrnMatthew 5:44rnKing James Versionrnrn44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

We were taught about wars.. about the lives lost.. about the heroic citizen.. about protests rooted in altruism, but we were never taught about the lies... the infiltration.. the sheer magnitude of evil.. the ends they would really go to. rnWe were never shown the insidious nature of evil. They don’t teach about that in school and of course they wouldn’t, would they?rnIt’s amazing how ill prepared we all were set-up to be, for this NWO push. rnThis is our war & most of us don’t even know it’s happening. God help us.