
Jason. Please. What are you going to do vote for Biden? Come on. The most important issue for me on the table right now is not the vax, I was anti vax in 2016. It is ending giving one more single cent to Ukraine, isreal and any other war right now. Trump has an excellent plan to end automatic citizenship for giving birth in the US, he will bring the economy back and it will happen quickly. I do not come to this site much any more because all you guys do is promote anti Trumpism. Believe me, I would have loved for the RFK thing to work out. But he really went down a rabbit hole with Israel and I review all of his vids, his website, his social media posts. He is now playing the common man shitck and promoting israel so I cannot support him.

It’s insane how clueless and ignorant the masses are. This person is the absolute reason why the USA is a burning trash bin. Look at how complacent she is when the demon she is supporting damn near killed off the world. What a nation of complete sleeping idiots. I would have said all of the US but I know alot of awake people here on 153news so it isn’t everyone. The person posting this should lose their ability to vote.

With regard to the Trump bash clip, I need to know the context of some of this stuff. I think early in his presidency he went to a summit to spur business ideas and I captured a lot of that on video -- I just used my phone to film computer clips. I disagree with the vax stuff, but the pressure these political leaders are under is ridiculous. Even my mom, a Trump voter, was ripping him for "not wearing a mask" and it took a couple of months for me to convince her masks and social distancing were absurd. I just went on Trump’s platform page yesterday and he stated DAY ONE he will sign an EO banning automatic citizenship for illegals and "vacation" births in this country. IMAGINE how quickly those dollars will turn around and be used for our own country. Vivek and RFK are just giving vague ideas on their platforms on their sites. I review them every couple of weeks. He will clean things up quickly if he is allowed to win and take his rightful place back as our Prez. 153News is pretty anti Trump, I have noticed.

CVS should be sued.

My mom’s friend took a shot from CVS. Her daughter in law "had extra shots" that she brought home from work (she was a nurse giving shots there back in 2021) Talked her into an injection and she ended up in the hospital for months, was not able to drive for months and stated she never felt the same.

A black vet with a mohawk. OK

They truly have no respect for any kind of life .

exactly that, i refuse to remain silent in the face of the truth of my understanding of what i believe is happening in the wold, i have a feeing they new what i was on about, the reply at the end said it all, we are just doing out job, i do not regret one bit of giving these murderers a hard time they deserve it, and like you, i dont think they will wake up, lets hope they meet there maker one day, appreciated thankyou.

plane and simple

Oh brother that bad acting store employee went so far to state it was an "assault rifle".

Darnit, you beat me to it commenting on the Germany comparison. This lady knows more than the bad guys want, but most important, they’ve got her hoodwinked on who the enemy is. What’s the old saying, a little knowledge can be dangerous? It’s a good idea for people to question what they think they know occasionally, because after all, it’s a never-ending quest. One more thing...Thank you for your comment!... just kidding.

Definitely using the word definitely quite a bit aren’t they. There is no need to inject your pet with anything at all

I hate it when people compare Germany gov circa WW2 to Russian zio-communism. No comparison at all whatsoever. And I also can’t stand this indoctrination since 911 of auto-thanking people "for their service" because they were in the military.

What pisses me off is when I adopt a dog from the humane society they give the 1 year Rabies vax which is exactly the same as the 3 year, but now by law they need another one in a year instead of 3 years.

Hope those zombies wake up! Thanks for fighting tho save humanity. Hopefully something you said will reach their brains? They may be too far gone. All one can do is try. Shameing them might be like a cold shower. Who knows might wake em up. Sadly I fear not. Thanks for you brave efforts. Think they threatened you with the police.. You are a true Warrior! I pray for your Safety.Peace and love. Stay Strong!!

We weren’t there before the event, we were there the night it happened from. 7:30 pm to mignight. Not ONE TEAR or one Kleenex the entire time. Why? Because this was nothing to cry ABOUT!

We are All breathing in Smart Dust!!

I wonder if their is something in the Airasol Spraying nanno smart dust that does the same thing? The nanno dust I have heard will be absorbed through the eyes,skin,lungs etc It’s in our food and water. I believe this why they are raising the price of smoking to where many cannot afford to smoke. Been said the nanno dust is so small it a like smoke. It can go to the brain. Niccotine receptors in the brain. Nicotine gum or smoking and ingesting Nicotine been said by some protects the brain ! This sound logical to me. If smoking kills you and they want us dead why would they try to outlaw it raise the price raze the Age of smoking to 21 or in my state they are talking about increasing the Age of smoking to 25?

He tried to make it look as if he miss spoke. But mocking us. Throwing it in everyone’s faces.. They love to mock us! He did not miss speak. He told their plan.

She is 100 percent right one!! Try to. Warn some and save some. Their still some pure bloods left !!Tell them to get out of the Churches. Study the Bible for themselves . The Churches are doing. A Great Hub leeding the masses off the cliff onto Hell ..