
I was wondering if you can elaborate or dispel what has been reported on up here by YouTube prepper channels about drought causing a 50% reduction in goods coming through the Panama Canal because it’s being said that water is used from nearby lakes to raise water levels in the canal?

No mention of all the Jews at WHO and CDC that pushed for the jabs?

When she says "grenades" she is doing a duping delight smile.

Yet to see the 4th part but there’s a lot more to see here (one of my crew watched the 4th and says there’s a lot that doesn’t add up).

Tom Renz is 100% correct ! the fact that he uses the virus word instead of the bio-weapon word is not important, most people will have no clue about what bio-weapon really means ! I feel offended and angry that you call Tom Renz an actor and controlled opposition -- That is BS !!

See Max Resistance on Bitchute the beginning of the vaccine rollout from Google Docs.

No felony for under a grand the last I knew in California, and these Communist ideals will only spread to other states, the blue ones first.

......sooooo Jim, the ultimate sandy hook fail is starting to realize trump, the jew world order truth now????? facepalming been calling out Jim for years about his shilling on these things......even Gary’s comments below and others suggesting more clips of trump to wake him up??????

Time for vigilante justice by We The People.. These big stores and grocers etc. are writing off the losses/thefts "and" charging higher prices to cover "losses",, double dipping,, Everything is a scam anymore. They could catch and stop these bastards anytime they want. There is ZERO law stating you do not have the right to protect and defend your property. Just like there was no "law" stating you had to lock down or get a frankenshot.

Yeah Sure. Apise the masses. Pretty sure nothing will come of it! All kinds of investigations no action. If they haven’t figured it out by by now they probably never will... Geneside. World wide Geneside..

Actors. Props.

The word virus I believe is supposed to be parasite. Look up Kim Paddock on bit shute. She has excellent videos. She also has remedies to raise our body’s frequencies. Also how to remove nanno and Black. Goo

Yes, terrorists infiltrated the party LOL. The partygoers, the terrorists, the police, everyone was in on the charade, and this slick propaganda clip is an effort to make the whole thing appear to be real. We have Mr Mohawk playing the role of interviewer, leading the guard to tell his story as it was supposed to be told, just like the reporters with the fake eye witnesses at the fake shootings, and we even have some heart-warming duping delight.

This is a representation of every city and thousands of towns across America . No matter how hard you try and think of a solution there is none . Short of a nationwide true Zombie Apocalypse this disease will continue to spread to every corner of the United States . What a disgusting filthy demon infested cesspool .

He’s no different than RICHARD GAGE and the 9/11 truth BS. He won’t touch the no planes involved on 9/11 . He only repeats the obvious statement of controlled demolition but ends there. Renz is here to side step any revelation of the truth as the statement up above.

rnTravis Kelce, is number one sellout I can’t believe people still watch the NFL, after seeing the kids that were supposedly shot at Sandy Hook, singing the national anthem with Jennifer Hudson. People are under heavy mind control. I also put Joe Rogan on the list of number one sell out, when he flip-flop on the moon landings. I lost all respect for him. Thank you for the video.

Very hard to make sense of what happened

so now covid causes limb necrosis?rnrnshe is lucky to have passed/one lady that happened to they amputated her hands and legs

Exactly . Another Trump lie .

That’s a YouTube strike no doubt