
Yeah, I did a vid on the Strong El Paso Hoaxes covering the hashtags, slogans and merchandise seen. So lame, the same formula for over a decade.

That GreatLeap Forward from 2019 to 1984 sums up everything That should be a poster!

I agree with your premise, opposing Wilkerson’s objection to the idea of other countries importing, or being forced to take Gaza "refugees." BIBI must be having wet dreams along those lines.

Thanks for the info. Like you said, let’s think about the new guys just coming to the table. Us old guys can always learn something too.

You are welcome . I just signed up myself . $28.00 for six months plus 3 free months for early enrollment . I hope it really lives up to expectations .

To most this is old news, but to people that are learning. Albert Pike in his prediction of the third world war: Third World War will occur between the ’political Zionists’ and the ’leaders of the Islamic world’. ’The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam [the Muslim Arabic World] and political Zionism [the State of Israel] mutually destroy each other. Apologies for the html formatting, this is a copy/paste.

I like the way you think!!

Been building since 90’s may be before. I learned back in 90’s about them. They plan everything years in advance! The experimental jab was no exp. They know exactly what they are doing!! But o if you agree to the experiment you can’t sue anyone..

Sadly half or more the planet fell victim to the lies. So sad even my children got the lethal injection!! Cr Cry out to Yahuah he alone can save us!!

Nice Work ! I had my suspitions about her! She reminded me of a witch all in black. Black clothes and hair! You hit a home run on this one!! Controlled opp for sure..

Thanks Side Thorn. When I visit the US soon I’ll sign up for that app.

yeah. Yandex , Telegram, this platform, very few others ... still work good enough for real truth researchers/seekers ...

ha ha. yep. And worst, the Build Back Better, is a actually a triple 6 ... b b b ... (goodness). Just another "numerical coincidence", right??

You’re welcome . I don’t see that I have much choice but to sign up . Just one encounter and it has paid for itself and then some .

of course not. Never isolated. In fact, all these isolation procedures of these viruses ... are truly, a scam. A con. Sustained by Dr Andrew Kaufman, german virologist Stefan Lanka, Dr T Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey (New Zeland), etc etc

telling you/us in YOUR/OUR face ... that ALL ... (Con-vid) was truly a joke ... a scam, a deceit ... an agenda. As easy, as that ... sleepy ol’ ’stairs falling’ Joe telling ya ... ;)

Thank you so much!!!!

WTF? That’s the very definition of "Controlled Opposition"!

I didn’t know that!

This guy is slick, controlled opposition.