
This is a representation of every city and thousands of towns across America . No matter how hard you try and think of a solution there is none . Short of a nationwide true Zombie Apocalypse this disease will continue to spread to every corner of the United States . What a disgusting filthy demon infested cesspool .

He’s no different than RICHARD GAGE and the 9/11 truth BS. He won’t touch the no planes involved on 9/11 . He only repeats the obvious statement of controlled demolition but ends there. Renz is here to side step any revelation of the truth as the statement up above.

rnTravis Kelce, is number one sellout I can’t believe people still watch the NFL, after seeing the kids that were supposedly shot at Sandy Hook, singing the national anthem with Jennifer Hudson. People are under heavy mind control. I also put Joe Rogan on the list of number one sell out, when he flip-flop on the moon landings. I lost all respect for him. Thank you for the video.

Very hard to make sense of what happened

so now covid causes limb necrosis?rnrnshe is lucky to have passed/one lady that happened to they amputated her hands and legs

Exactly . Another Trump lie .

That’s a YouTube strike no doubt


I said it was not, but I don’t think Jim heard me... I agree with Info Crypt. That one flew off the rails, crashed and burned. As I always say... Reggie Jackson didn’t hit a home run every time occasionally struck out... First time admitted: Pope is Jesuit. Jesuit founder Loyola known as Converso/Marrano Jew. This is helpful As is And

In this state is it legal to shoot looters? All it would take would be one or two. Rooftop rifle-armed Koreans shot Blacks at the LA Riots back in the day -- whatever happened with firearms charges then?

I also had by far the worst sickness, at the front-edge of the hoax timeperiod; not sure what it was (I had attended a party over the 9/11 weekend that year, near a mass outdoor event, so maybe some toxin was sprayed on us cattle? Maybe the overwhelming amount of cellphones/5G? Unsure -- BEMER PEMF pad, I felt and still feel, helped me tremendously by increasing capillary blood flow). ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG book INVISIBLE RAINBOW correlates mass-electrifications with disease-outbreaks so strongly as to appear causal. DR TOM COWAN and DR ANDREW KAUFMAN videos delve into the reality of No Virus Has Ever Been Isolated (and so therefore, no vaccine seems plausible). WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL book by LESTER/PARKER good. DR SAMANTHA BAILEY and husband interviews also excellent. More on

Thank you Gary, for playing these trump clips for Jim.

Lahaina Maui Hawaii was also announced (at UN, by HI governor, which is a federal crime and treasonous) as a smart-city-to-be.

STANLEY MEYER was poisoned, too -- water car.rn

Jesuit founder is historically Converso/Marrano Jew.rnSitting Pope is first time known a Jesuit.rn

truth, from public sources ---- ---- no argument possible

and...’lock her up’ Hilary is in jail..right?

I didn’t think so either, but didn’t want to say yea or nay.