
It’s not just a mere lack of trust, they have proven by their actions through many decades that they cannot be trusted and many like myself were way too trustful that they would turn from serving themselves and serve the Constitution and the American people, it hasn’t even been a gradual decline but a steep one from which this country is unlikely to recover from, and they have shown that they don’t deserve to be forgiven for what they have done, they are all traitors and deserve to be treated as such.

I can play that clip on the next show... I feel he answered basically what he would say on this show. It’s the lesser of two evils thing. One of the evils are beyond our comprehension the other just disgustingly bad. Personally I don’t believe a president will help at all and has no power.

Murder Your Pet week !

Pre planned WW3 ..Nuf Said! War to reduce world population. Bring in Satanic NWO

Obama was a freemason puppet.

PS I forgot to add that the CORPORTOCRACY is predominantly owned and run by Jews who bailed Donald Trump out and he owed them big time, and they still own him.

I was an ardent Trump Supporter until I came to the awakening that all Presidents are puppets run by the CORPORTOCRACY and are placed in that position to do their bidding, there is no human on earth that will save America or the world.

You walk a fine line Gary with the doctor, wish you would have added the clip of Trump saying "let’s get the guns 1st and worry about due process later" but I think Jim is still caught up in the paradigm of the lesser of 2 evils. I also disagree with him on Hamas as they are a creation of Israel IMO and are both targeting the Palestinian people. And my other disagreement is that poisons in small doses are not harmful when talking about additives in food and so-called medicines. What about the accumulation factor in the brains and organs of small children, this is the argument that the MSM uses when referring to mercury in vaccines, that they are in doses so small as to not be harmful. I refer to the Biblical verse that states, a little bit of leaven leavens the whole lump, Galatians 6:9

not the Nazi thing again. USSR was dissolved. The US has been under a socialist style since Obama, who I think most of you on this platform seem to love. We entered a neo Keynesianism and then full socialism while that bleeper was prez. It hurt me quite a bit financially and job wise

not the Nazi thing again. USSR was dissolved. The US has been under a socialist style since Obama, who I think most of you on this platform seem to love. We entered a neo Keynesianism and then full socialism while that bleeper was prez. It hurt me quite a bit financially and job wise

wasn’t that cannon in D or something??? I agree with Jim, it was just not a good fit.

I would say that people frequenting 153 news, tend not to trust any government officials. The more people think about what makes sense, the worse it gets for ALL politicians.

100% agree , a "burning trash bin" and that’s putting it mildly ...

Retard, don’t know how to make a video, nobody going to share. Your frickin stupid , what a thousad fckn bits to share. You think someone on facebook will click it?????????????? Dumb, great video , but I shared, no one will click. You need a program like O cam.

Excellent show and it even looks like Jim is coming around a little on the truth about the Jew owned puppet Donald Trump . Maybe the clips of Trump saying to take the guns from citizens before due process or of him visiting fake mass shooting victims in the hospital may help even more . How anyone can think a president of any country holds any decision making power in this world today is beyond me .

can you please give me the date and the context of that. By the way, I could give a flying F about Klaus Schwab. He is an icky figure but I do not give him the time of day and do not worry about the WEF (although I was initially outraged) I do care about satan yahoo taking over the govt. here. We are now the US of I. Put your energy toward that.

Jason. Please. What are you going to do vote for Biden? Come on. The most important issue for me on the table right now is not the vax, I was anti vax in 2016. It is ending giving one more single cent to Ukraine, isreal and any other war right now. Trump has an excellent plan to end automatic citizenship for giving birth in the US, he will bring the economy back and it will happen quickly. I do not come to this site much any more because all you guys do is promote anti Trumpism. Believe me, I would have loved for the RFK thing to work out. But he really went down a rabbit hole with Israel and I review all of his vids, his website, his social media posts. He is now playing the common man shitck and promoting israel so I cannot support him.

It’s insane how clueless and ignorant the masses are. This person is the absolute reason why the USA is a burning trash bin. Look at how complacent she is when the demon she is supporting damn near killed off the world. What a nation of complete sleeping idiots. I would have said all of the US but I know alot of awake people here on 153news so it isn’t everyone. The person posting this should lose their ability to vote.