
I would actually let that place buy a banner on I cant think of any others I would say that about but if you live in the USA, you are at a disadvantage without something like this. The pigs of the USA are not to be trusted.

Did that idiot say they get fat? That was weird.

Never get shots for your dogs.

This sounds like another scam. They are gonna be coming for the dogs it seems. Fake illness leading to some new vaccine to kill off the dogs sooner now to. I got 9 pits, used to have 10 - may Panthro rest in peace, and none of them get sick like this. Nobody gets a cold, they only sneeze when we are cooking outdoors on wood, which is frequently these days. Complete scams.

Never in my lifetime and I’m old, have I ever heard of this. Why now?

What are you thoughts on this Jason, as someone who owns an entire pack of Pitbulls?

all that flapping of the wings when he talks... can he tri-force and dubba-diamond too?

Vaccinations are the cause.

make a man a fire, keep him warm for the night. light a man on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life.

military deployed civilian workforce migrated to another job location.

military government deployed civilian workforce to track meth amphetamine and Fentanyl among local residents and increase statistical crime rate to lower property values and rent control than what would have become the next round of inflation?

Delivered to staff. Italy will know.

It costs very little and you bet I already signed up ! Knowing a lawyer is watching and talking to the criminal pig and it is all being recorded for future publication will also help me contain myself instead of doing what I really want to do to the demons .

I visited San Francisco back in 1999 and I thought the homeless population was bad then. At that time the majority were elderly men, I would think a lot of veterans. I honestly can’t imagine the sad state of affairs going on these days. What a shame that governments are sending billions of dollars overseas and bringing in and providing services to refugees right here in North American while basically stepping over their own citizens like garbage.

All a bunch of blood sucking satanists

lol lol that was funny

Give us Barabas

Soon the Devil will be bound ! The Earth will burn with a fervent heat, My opinion destroy all gmo’s nanno bots and smart dust.. The Earth will be cleansed a new heaven and earth. He Yahuah will renue the earth cleanse it and the meek will inherit the Earth. Ŵe all must stop breaking breaking his laws and his commandments. Love him follow his directions he gave usrn Rebellion is as the son of witchcraft! Let no no man steel your Crownrn.Peace and much love...

That sounds like the dog’s hind bollock! If I was still stuck in hell or if I ever have to head back up to hell I will put this app on every single device I have. Anyone in the US should get this and try it. Says free. These are the right tools to have for the criminals in North America Law Enforcement. Nice find!

Thanks for all you do! Your efforts don’t go un noticed! One life saved is worth all the effort! No lives saved at least we know we tried. I regret I could not done more. We are dealing with people mind controlled and programmed from berth. I tried to stop my siblings. They would not head my warnings. It is Sad very sad to watch your love ones. One by one slip away. This may be the separation of sheep and goats,wheat and chaff. 10 verginss 5 were wise preparing to meet the bridegroom. Those who love truth will find it. Those who love lies will believe the lies. Yahuah our maker is calling his people out of deception. Thank you for all your efforts . They will never be forgotten.