
Sometimes, decent people get prosecuted for a crime while stopping these unruly, ignorant crybabies. More so if Ben Crump gets involved because your skin happens to be a lighter shade of non-white.

What’s crazy is that there is no law enforcement anywhere to intervene. Citizens arrest, are you serious, we see what happens when those sworn to uphold the law intervene they get sued. We need to return to some old fashioned justice, stupid should hurt.

All these people standing around doing nothing. One guy filming and nobody is willing to stand up and take her down. I guess this is what people say about men these days becoming pussyfied.

This whole mentality has been engineered and spawned by the jooos. These fools will never will never see it. Disgusting animals indeed.

Some get extensive jail time along with years of financial restitution and some get their hands slapped.

She seems like a nice lady. Probably having a bad day. Don’t judge.

Imagine believing she is chatting while grenades are flying and fires are happening.

not one thumbs up whats up with you all.

Exactly, it’s in the food water and air, it’s a full out assault on humanity, and a push to get humanity on board with World War 3

i hear it alot, people have not felt the same since the jabs, maybe there time will come sooner when death will come prematurely because of the death jabs.

shocking whats happening to people who have taken the vaccines, and its bad to even say she was lucky to have past but in reality you are right, she is not suffering now.

CooperJames4570 ) - hello there, firstly thankyou for your comment. I have been doing my bit to expose the lies before covid hit us but more so since, the end pictures in this video is the true reality and as you put it is far worse than those with a closed off mind can possibly understand, i believe the lies are too great that the average person can not conceive what conspiracy voices tell then can possibly be true. make no mistake this is a genocidal culling of humanity and not just by the vaccines.

The Katie here reminds me of Katie Perry........ Both stupid and controlled.

I totally agree with your assessment, it is much worse than anyone imagined and the MSM is suppressing this information so the world will largely go stumbling about their business blind to it all, thanks for your contribution in shining the light on this monstrous depopulation agenda.

Just did a search yesterday on ingredients in vaccines, and even several years ago you could still readily find information on HEK 293 and Senomeyx, but all information now is from the CDC or multiple fact checkers like snopes who claim that information about the current use in these products is false. Whenever there is money to be made by flavor enhancers in food to sell products rest assured they have only disguised or hidden it, it’s still there. Even fruits and vegetables when not using the above product’s mentioned here spray them with what they say is a food grade shellac, but that is made from the shell of the female Lac Bug, thus the word Shel-Lac. The only way to lessen your chances of eating garbage food is to eat organic, and for many that’s not an option.

The content providers are top talent. Look up, All In A Rabbit Hole

One of my biggest regrets was not home schooling our daughter back in the 90’s, but we did have many discussions about what school was teaching her. I can’t imagine how bad it must be now.

That was a great video, until you snubbed everyone in the USA.

THE AMOUNT OF STRESS US SO CALLED ANTI-VAXXERS HAVE BEEN UNDER SINCE THE TRIGGER OF COVID MY EYES SHOULD OF COMPLETELY BEEN OBLITARATED WITH STRESS. We know doctors and hospitals are under strict protocols to NOT mention anything to do with the vaccine’s, but label peoples problems something else, that’s whats going on, lack of mentioning the jabs with the magnitude of deaths and injuries is a giveaway.

Duping can you smile describing your boyfriend’s death? She squeezed out some tears, but still the much so they tried to zoom in so close to hide her mouth. Smh!