
The content providers are top talent. Look up, All In A Rabbit Hole

One of my biggest regrets was not home schooling our daughter back in the 90’s, but we did have many discussions about what school was teaching her. I can’t imagine how bad it must be now.

That was a great video, until you snubbed everyone in the USA.

THE AMOUNT OF STRESS US SO CALLED ANTI-VAXXERS HAVE BEEN UNDER SINCE THE TRIGGER OF COVID MY EYES SHOULD OF COMPLETELY BEEN OBLITARATED WITH STRESS. We know doctors and hospitals are under strict protocols to NOT mention anything to do with the vaccine’s, but label peoples problems something else, that’s whats going on, lack of mentioning the jabs with the magnitude of deaths and injuries is a giveaway.

Duping can you smile describing your boyfriend’s death? She squeezed out some tears, but still the much so they tried to zoom in so close to hide her mouth. Smh!

I was aware of most of this information but it’s good to get it out there for those who don’t know.

Thanks J

What fear does 5G and 6G provoke? Are you guys scared of all spectrums or does anything that says 5G or 6G spook you? If your as scared of 5G and 6G why own a cancer giving cell phone? The entire boogyman of 5G really needs to be discussed.

thanks for telling us who the song is by lol - Lorn - Acid Rain (Official Music Video)

When they roll out the smart cities with 5G and 6G, it’s game over.

"The Millennial generation, born between 1981 and 1996, control just 4.6% of U.S. wealth even though they are the largest in the workforce with 72 million members." Zoomers are not even on the graph. Only 7% of business owners are between 20-30 years old. Schools are number one reason why most people are broke. If someone is working 9-5 everday for someone, you will never get ahead

Meek and humble. Typo lol

Ignorance is Bliss! My cousin told me he prefers to be positive! People don’t want to know the truth! They want the blue pill. Guess they think positive and all the problems go away! I think not. Ignore the Problems and they get worse. They don’t realize Either they are part of the problem or part of the solution. No middle ground. The dumbed down brainwashed masses seem to be under a spell they cannot break free from. They would not reconize the truth if it slapped them in the face. I fear Mist of mankind is lost. They are about to meet their maker and what will he say to them? Devil controlled all fonts organised religions education and entertainment. Sounds like he has a strangle hold on mankind! Only the me an and humble will overcome!

You are an Honest Man MattyD

Order out of Chaos! This is all by the plan.Create the Problem then offer the solution. More controle less freedome!

Controlled opp. Forgive all the Mass Murderers? Really ? Yes a Lot of the Doctors and nurses were just following orders. Who gave them the orders? If willful. Knowledgeable if they knew it was lethal injection or they corhearsed their employees to get the jab or louse their job. They are guilty of violation Nurmberg treaty..

damn, this was a good LORN track, lol.

HAND SIGNS! HAND SIGNS! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!rnhahaharnrnGood video Matty and good to see you on cam brother. rnI hear talk of "people are waking up" constantly and I’m just not seeing it. All I see is that the truth is becoming somewhat normalized, which is not the same thing as a revolution by the people, it’s a revolution by the globalists if anything. Normalization is one of the marxist steps. At this point if they’re not aware or awake and pissed off about it, then good luck to them, I can no longer use my energy to bring them out of their slumber. rnAs far as Jim goes, the guy is mostly right about most things, as far as I can tell, he just cannot seem to let go of Trump. Maybe he’s holding onto the last piece of hope left as far as he can see. Can I fault the guy for that? No not really, because although he holds onto that hope, he does seem like a genuine person who believes what he says. rnOn the other hand it’s like.. we’re out of fucking time here and we really shouldn’t ignore very obvious evidence that implicates trump in the crimes against humanity that he is guilty of. rnIdk, that’s how I see it at this time.

The world population increased in the year 2020. The average age of a "covid" death is greater than the average age of death from all-causes. Given this, there was no viral pandemic.rnrnIn April 2020 in the UK, old people were moved out of hospitals and into care homes. There they were given injections of the drug midazolam.rnrnIn December 2020 in the UK, over 80s were given COVID vaccines.rnrnThe only peaks of excess deaths in the UK in 2020 were in April and December. So was a virus responsible or injections?rnrnThe COVID virus was identified only at the genetic level from sequencing direct from lung fluid mixed with fetal calf serum. A computer program stitched together little pieces obtained from sequencing. Some people say this virus only exists on a computer. It would have been better if they sequenced from purified virus particles free of host cell debris, otherwise you can’t be sure where your sequences are coming from.rnrnThey have not proved contagion or disease causation with purified virus free of host cell debris.rnrnIn fact they couldn’t even properly prove Sars-Cov-1 caused disease in macaque monkeys.rnrnNobody has evidence that this "new" virus didn’t exist 50,000 years ago. Well you can’t can you?rnrnIf you believe the narrative, respiratory viruses do not kill their host cell. The narrative says the immune system kills virally infected cells to stop the virus spreading.rnrnAsk someone the mechanism by which a respiratory virus innately kills its host cell and you will not get an answer.rnrnSo how can you use gain-of-function to make a respiratory virus more dangerous, if nobody knows in the first place how it kills its host cell?rnrnWell I suppose these people could say they made it more contagious, but really have these people done proper protein studies. I doubt it because these people have trouble isolating and purifying viruses.rnrnIf you can’t purify a virus free of host cell debris, it is a bit difficult to spread it around as a bioweapon. Unless of course you employ a group of people to go round sneezing!rnrnPhlegm from sick patients was put up the noses of healthy sailors in experiments performed during the Spanish flu pandemic. They found that the Spanish flu was not contagious.rnrnThe real truth is that flu is caused by your body being run-down, perhaps by bad nutrition, air pollution, co-morbidities or hard living. There is no need to invoke viruses. More and more people seem to believe animal viruses do no exist and that viral diseases are really caused by growth spurts, synthetic chemicals, poor nutrition and doing things that humans didn’t do a few hundred years ago.

No mention of the Jews who are the CEO’s of Moderna and Pfizer who manufactured the jabs either.