
They need to take humans off the playing field. They can’t compete on an even playing field. We would be so much further advanced had we developed without this voodoo, Zionist, Masonic, Jesuit, homosexual satanic withes coven suppressing us. A government governs best which governs not at all. Certainly forcing humans and voodoos together was detrimental to human development and human peace. They turned the whole thing into a lie. And money is evil. Whoever controls it is IN control.

It’s the black goo. It’s their As Above So Below. When they inject the black goo into the veins of humans it kills them. (Remember Africa was spared the jab) humans then get cancer, shaking fits, heart attacks, and when you inject black goo voodoo into ANY society you get hell on earth. A society void of any TRUTH and compassion or love.

Seguin firefighters were sent to SS for the hoax. Met one of them at my conceal gun safety class. Seguin is a rats nest.

Her grave was in the far left corner decorated with a bench, beads and whirligigs (like Mardi Gras) while the church “family” was in the front with reused dead flowers. Get it??

Nice job. Thank you.

Funny how the wicked live to an old age and the good die young.... I like the name Hissinger as in Snake Hiss? was that intentional or typo?

Jesus Campos claiming he was fired upon by 200 rounds outside Paddock’s hotel room is 100% disney. Paddock never had a belt feed weapon in his suite so an endless 200 round burst is baloney

Truth is easily tested. Example, never has more money been spent on health globally yet the numbers getting sick grows, not reduce. This is Evidence that these programs are flawed. Allowing a child to make a call on sex change is criminal Life is never a one Buzz number No one is the same person after 70 years of life, 100% impossible Question all things and then make a Free choice, never one that’s policy or a Mandate.

Those who diet correctly need never fear any virus or pathogen

Whatever his failings, Buchanan was head and shoulders above the rest of the idiots.

Bitcoin based on pre-weakened SHA256

She is looking at blood drops from a lady vaxxed with moderna, not pfizer

...and I just realized why no one comments ugh

People need to know there are Jews in the Bible which are God’s people and there are jews in the Bible that are not God’s people...which are referred to as THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN


Back when Pat Buchanan spoke some truth, I supported him during his run for the White House, but a short time afterwards found that he had caved just like the rest. anti-semite you..............LOVE IT!! time for people to wake up................GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!

I sure hope AI gets rid of all these controlled opposition JWO ass lickers

I always thought Gurion was the main one behind the JFK assassination.

Abbott is a true piece of shit .