
They bled this turnip dry. Thought the truth mattered….

NOBODY will get "prosecuted" for stepping in to stop a violent behavior like this.

It’s impossible to fight the corrupt system, and it will only get worse. In current times you have to stay under the radar at all times, I know they tracking your bank account and they look if they can have something against you, specially if you have your own business and you make a lot of money, they have access to all social media, and of course your smartphone (CIA tool).

Woke some up pissed some off . A good day ! Boots on the ground , excellent work .

Glad you’re a Truth Seeker, and and not a truther Gary, Bravo.

Yea. Even if it’s impossible to completely avoid all exposure to these toxic substances, we can still try to mitigate our exposure to the extent possible, and then hope our body’s natural defenses can cover the residual.

Are they done filming? Can I put my clothes back on now?

If that ever happens to you, don’t say or do anything to the drone, and absolutely don’t follow its commands. Maybe it shoots/stuns you, maybe it doesn’t, but the absolute worst thing you can do is comply.

Well done.

I’m old enough to have seen the evolution of what you are talking about. I can recall seeing the now extremely rare sight of a typical black family in the early to mid 1960’s. Father in a suit, mother in a dress, daughter in a dress and son in a suit. As well behaved as could be, because the father, who wouldn’t accept a nickel he didn’t earn, was in charge. The Great Society Program spawned by the Jews and LBJ, started the downfall and ending in what we now see in this video. Disintegrating what was the standard, as black family scenario, forever.

I would have gone postal on that nutball. We would both be having a bad day together!

Then you get a do nothing POS lawyer that steals $15k. Third try was the needle in the haystack. Sareen & Bozza (state & fed) in SAT will fight, fight, fight. Took my life savings and all my inheritance. Telling the truth is not for the faint of ❤️.

I hear you, the "legal" system is basically designed to extort money from people. The less money you have the less freedom you have. They want people to live paycheck to paycheck so they have no power to defend themself.

Flashbacks .

Not that far off from 2018. Need more like $25k if you’re lucky.

Exactly, type "Senomyx" on google or any other search engine that’s using google algorithm and all you see is fake fact checking websites, people need to stop using these fake, government search sites. Type "Senomyx" on yandex and you will see how completely fake google search engine is. Asking google for information is like asking Bill Gates if the vaccines are safe.

Anyone who owns a cellphone should always put the phone on speaker and have a shielding fabric on top of it which will reduce about 90%+ of radiation, but if you browse the internet or use apps you can’t do that, because you need to see the screen. Living close to a cellphone tower is almost the same as being on your phone 24/7, phone companies actually say in their safety disclosure in small print "keep your phone 2 feet away from your head while using it because the radiation is so high.

Sad and tragic waste / murder of a life cut short by these evil satanic bastards

Wonder how much he forked out for that horrendous face graffiti ? CLUELESS !

Sorry, somewhat pointless without translation. However ,those "burnt out " cars look incredibly familiar . DEW`s , anyone ?