
This is starting to look like a psyop to attempt to silence people in NZ. Time will tell. The tech guy revealed nothing groundbreaking, there have been many studies out of NZ showing excess death increases in vaccinated.

Christchurch "massacre was a staged hoax

Next stop Hollywood.

Translation (selected passages): "And they were shouting Allahu Akbar!" "Look, they made these two tiny dents in the door of the store." "The festival goers were up and dancing at 6:30 am - the early bird gets the worm!" "And Hamas left all these pieces of clothing and some Birkenstocks all over the ground. The Israelis they wear Birkenstocks." "The IDF issues us soldiers camo gloves and masks, cool, right?" "Look at the marks that Hamas left in the white doors and walls of this house - the owners will have to go to a lot of trouble and expense to repaint them now." "They even torched some of the walls of a house in this kibbutz - a big repair job coming up for the owners, if they are not dead, that is." "We had to go inside and point our guns at the empty house in order to pose for the news media." "See these two bloody knives in the crib next to the package of Pampers? Cruel." "Look at all the trashed and toasted cars - Hamas did this, on their limited budget!" "The people at the festival had to get out of their cars and casually walk away - so Hamas would not kill them." "We had to point our guns at the empty cars so the media could film it." "OY! Wadda mess! Those Hamas they are pigs!" "We ran for the trees from the Hamas terrorists! We screamed! We fell on the ground! But we managed to photograph it on our cell phones, although we couldn’t seem to hold the phones straight, which shows you how terrified we were." "And you see all these hundreds of trashed, empty cars just sitting in the road - we know the passengers were either killed or taken hostage by the Hamas terrorists, who were also stealing TVs." Let’s shoot some blanks at these porta potties." "And here is a massive, massive track of blood, as though they were dragging a huge gunny sack of blood or perhaps half of a dead elephant." "We could shoot this Israeli, because there are 20 of us Hamas terrorists with guns, but instead, let’s try to kill him by shouting at him." "Look how they trashed the showers at this nice beach! Sad. Why are you laughing?" "It’s getting almost like satire, at this point." "We shot a real dog and put him here for the cameras." "We made this clean cut in the fence with a Port-A-Torch kit." "Sorry I’m smiling, but this story I’m making up, it’s kinda funny." "The terrorists are using a new invisibility cloaking device." "Yallah! Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem!"


Thomas J. Oxley is the chief executive officer of Synchron and neurointerventionist at JEW Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.


Sorry bro. North Americans are slaves. You have to get a permit to build a house, get a permit to dig a well, get a permit to run power, get a permit to build a fence. You have income tax, property tax, sales tax, excise tax, death tax, you pay hundreds of dollars just for insurance to drive. That is called slavery. I haven’t had one of those taxes in 9 years. You have to be free to understand you are still a slave. Don’t fight for the plantation bro, Robin Hood has no power in the USA. I stand by my statements. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Whilst I question the so called Christchurch "massacre". I applaud this guy putting his neck ,reputation and career on the line. Yet still the lying bastards within the NHS -No "Health Service " continue to push the damnable covidiocy jabs .

Some of us wish to fight the system like a true modern day robin hood.. Love your stuff, just a film critic here. A Dukes of Hazzard reference there.

"I would rather be down here defending my life, than up in North America as a slave for all my life."

Autopsies are public information. Where’s Annabelle’s? They were supposed to be doing on sight autopsies that night. Let’s see it.

You’ve misunderstood my comment. Look into what the word "militia" means and its historical meaning in the United States. Not the propaganda interpretation promoted by the media, the real meaning. It’s not the "same system".

Song: Remember the Liberty by David Neal, poem David Martin, video by Gary King- 40 sec in.rn

Just look like a lot of filmed Mossad exercises. They fence off an area to the public, and then conduct their movie staging. Even Dealey Plaza was public restricted during the John F. Kennedy episode. So in other words, if I was actually there, I would not even be able to record or confirm the Truth as 1st hand witness.

You want the same system you despise to come protect the system you despise?rnParamilitary? How about we just turn back to the law of common sense God gave us?rnWe need no "paramilitary" we need each other to stand up and push down lawlessness immediately as it happens. rnProblem solved

Doesn’t matter. Un-injected or not (if this is really even a threat that our God given body cannot ward off),, can we all really think it is only poss for these "structures" to be be injected and not dropped out of the sky, breathed in, drank in our water, eaten in our foods etc.? If so we are deluding ourselves. Trust in G and the body he gave you. There is NOTHING to fear. It is simply time to take the tyrants down. Sitting around watching this kind of stuff, though I appreciate the work put in by the creators,, its just not going to change anything.

Why on earth? They are lying through their teeth in hebrew

Just as it was planned. When the true fighters strike, all you’ll see are the effects of their actions. They don’t burn police cars, busses and garbage cans.

As one who has great admiration and respect for the Jew (please remember that Christ -the REAL one -,and not the satanic imposter -Antichrist-. IsraHELL is preparing the way for) was and IS Jewish . My own life would be massively impoverished ,were it not for their input to the field of music . ie Robert Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan ,there`s no one to touch the genius of this guy . And what of "laughing Lenny" Cohen ,and many many others. HOWEVER I am utterly opposed to the satanic scum running the Israel of today . Thankfully there have been sizeable numbers in their military ,blowing the gaff on the CLEARLY STAGED "invasion". And YES I`ve been sickened by the nauseating fawning ar-e licking rhetoric of most of the so called church . Some of the worst being the EvanJELLYcals ,who were DEAFINGLY silent throughout the scamdemic. So ,YES speak out against this attrocity , but please allow a voice to those brave enough within the IDF to condemn the crime they are witnessing in their own country. Thank you