
For those clowns who reckon they have the best fighting troops in the world , all I can say is ’’Croc’’, a 100% lie. They can only bomb and shoot women and kids in the 1000’s. It is the US that fight all their wars while they sob under kitchen tables like little girls

Anyone who calls these pirates Is Rail is 100% clueless and sold a total croc of lies. These pagan evil Babylonians are 100% mafia and always have been, this Nimrod crowd is right out of the Bible. They are 100% the anti Christ outfits doing a live Geno job on Gaza and the West Bank. Only filth bombs women and kid and they are all 100% Pure Filth.

86 is a VG innings, a fall can happen at any age, usually after sinking 25 pints

And if you really did work for Google, email me a copy of your door badges but if you never talked to one person at the company, sorry, that’s not Google...thats the throw away contractors they mainly hire.

What a Jip, paying some fatboy merch a ’’Membershit’’ fee to buy a supposed bargain? You’d have to be Hooters to swallow that pimpline

Lol a political stunt? You are something else aren’t ya? I moved to avoid a satanic sold out America and avoid the evil coming upon your lands. And no you never really worked for Google if you never talked to anyone at the company. You were probably a throw away contractor which google uses, abuses and tosses in the trash. But you never really worked for Google. Anyway....enjoy your trans America brush fire. I would take a famine over living as a slave. What’s worse is the people enslaved fight for their plantation. If possible you should get out of America before it falls harder. It’s gonna get real rough real soon.

spreading Numonia around?? Dude you are clueless, get a medical degree or 2 B4 piping out jibberish. Those who diet rite and add iodine daily don’t suffer from any pathogens and never will. Look it up.

since taking 300x times the RDI in iodine I don’t need any shots now and never will, read up on this vital mineral, I did and its saved me 1000’s in medical bills per year.

one too many plastic jobs??

all those sheep rolling up for their rooster shots so funny

Oz went from an ave of 164,000 deaths per year to a staggering 190,000 over just the last 3 years, whats going on? Whats changed in the ’’waters’’??

oh, I also worked for Google... around 2003-2006. Never talked to one person at the company.

We all have to provide for our family, you do it your way. Just don’t knock mine. I get it. No hard feelings, I like you, but you are dissing everyone in the USA. We all know it, we just can’t go up and move to Panama as a political stunt. Most of us just work regular jobs. I hope I wasn’t a total jerk here. Long live 153news

most are, its all about gun control, the 1% want total control

this is nothing , in the US deaths in the working age soared 40% over the same period, a 3 sigma event, not even WW2 was as lethal and no Gov official cares. This is very sad stuff that they just don’t care.

Your video showed nothing. I was looking for more footage of this pedo not video of how the deceived people honored him. This video added no value.


I taught my youngest son about this subject from the age of around 5/6, and he was able to recognise the chemtrails from genuine contrails and learned the term geoengineering at a young age - he’s now 13 and knows a lot more about this world and points out the sprayers and I’ve also captured enough on my Nikon P900 too…….I must learn to create/edit videos to share what I’ve amassed and saved to hard drive over the years.

Dumber than a box of rocks.

I think Russ did a good job on this one! Sorry he seemed to go off on the Crazy Train later on. Thumbs up on this one. Graphene Black Goo programmable matter. Kill shot 666 Lucifer Race Mark of the Beast.Final Battle!