
I know you’re a prolific content creator and I do nothing and so am being an armchair quarter back but that drum-beat, that repetitive computer drum beat that is EVERYWHERE, I hate it. I think content creators use it as an simple way to add sound and hope to increase the viewability of their work but anymore I just feel it’s voodoo poison. It’s mind numbing. And sometimes it seems like we’re thought to be too stupid to be able to keep our attention on the content and so it’s added to draw us in. The big part of this hell-on-earth is the voodoo-music poison of the last hundred years and the manipulation through beats and frequencies and I really think it’s dangerous. Sorry. I’m not meaning to be critical and I’m sure no one else probably feels that way I just find it very hard to cope with that computer drum loop. Especially when the high-pitched hi-hat and clap are used. I don’t know why.

I think that’s why they’re making California unlivable. Get most the people to move out and then you’ve got the port of San Francisco, Long Beach and pretty sure Seattle is already owned by satan. But, they don’t need to physically invade. I think the voodoos are here to make sure the humans stay in line but it could be temporary and the chinese come in and clean house. But, all governments are the same everywhere. It’s just, what human populace is still human and not voodoo-hive-mind-homosexuals. Hamas and Israel are probably the same just as Zelensky and Putin are both homos. But the people may be being slaughtered. I believe, though, that it’s a distraction from the humans that are being invaded by the voodoos all over europe and the u.s. I believe the synagogue of satan occupying palestine IS evil but this is to get idiots to be pro-military AGAIN, go kill more innocent people when the enemy is and always was right here at home. The money system, the government, this u.s. was never, ever, what it was sold as. It was designed to distract, control and ultimately destroy humanity. What is the real force? Satan? His demons? Some parasite-hive-mind. I’m afraid the vaxx may have made those humans members of the hive mind. Like the beehive logo the mormons put all over Utah as an emblem of their hive-mind state.

Boy, one could close their eyes and listen to that sell-out faggot spewing the play-by-play and know it’s shit. I love when he’s crawling on the ground. It never makes any sense and they want it that way, I guess. It’s for those of use that know and they’re saying, "Yeah we’re faking it, bitches, what are you going to do about it!" And maybe once in a million times people will rise up and WITHOUT FAIL they bring up the african-voodoo-as-victim play-card. Boy, that one just never seems to fail them. Because Africans were enslaved by humans, right. Not brought over to destroy human society! Like, I think it was the guys that built the castles on the tops of mountain peeks that said, "Hey, we’ve got work to do. Let’s go get some Africans." Yes. That makes sense. Humans would voluntarily bring africans amongst their women and children. Or MAYBE, the masons and the synagogue of satan and jesuits and homos, and the voodoos themselves said, "These fuckers are smart. We have got to slow them down lets innoculate them and bring shit into their culture and give them public education so they think they’re on a fucking spinning ball even though everyone knows the water surface could never curve. Yes, "white people" brought over the africans. I think my ancestors did it just before or after they were starved to the tune of a million plus people, robbed of their land, sent to america and forced to fight in wars they didn’t know fuck-all about. Wars contrived by the same bitches that starved them out of their lands and brought the africans over and are still doing it today. The same folks that arrested the MS-13 and Mafia in Italy. This is just consolidating power. This is NOT a cleaning house. This is a worse enemy taking over from people who were forced into lives of crime by the people who are now saying, "Okay, we don’t need you anymore. That part of our agenda is done and we’ll stick you in jail now. And you can bet the women in those households will be raped by impoverished voodoos that have access to military-grade rafts and life-preservers. I tell you something, it wouldn’t have worked for any other species on earth, but the synagogue of satan and the voodoo battle tactic of, "Wah, I’m a victim and you have to give me everything because we can’t do shit for ourselves and we refuse to work and honest days’ labor." That battle tactic for those two of satan’s creation really worked out for them. Diversity. Inclusion. Here, let me shit on your plate of food. C’mon, diversify that food. Shit will turn a plate of good food to shit. Food will NOT turn a pile of shit to food. The shit will always overwhelm the food. That’s voodoo, masonry, zionism, vatican and homosexuality and all the crap that comes with it. That shit that they are will never help humanity. And humanity will NEVER bring satan’s shit to a level of human/Christian compassion and care. This is the BOOT that Orwell spoke of. And Huxley was right to in that people will crave their own enslavement. Mask up!!!! GEt a "vaxx". I actually had someone try to get me to muzzle up during the bullshit and he said, "Everybody is doing it."

BEcause the Mason/voodoo/synagogue of satan/zionist/jesuit/homo/tranny-cult are flaming perverted faggots. That’s the saddest part about how far they’ve taken us into hell. We’ve been "had" by faggot, whores, voodoos, and cross-dresses. A pretty sad testament to tell our saviour when we stand before him. "Why didn’t you help those children and stop the genital-mutilation. Cuz I was afraid of faggots, voodoo-sodomites, jesuits, homos, queers and lesbians and synagogue of satan and whores and female-impersonators. And they ARE scary, I get it. Because they have no soul. Being around a humanoid mason and their like is like being around a snarling rabbid dog or a pissed-off rattle snake. You’re not gonna reason your way out. Your going to kill it or your going to be harmed, mutilated and killed even.

So where does the bullshit begin and end. It is a war for the mind. And the enemy is always creating lies and deceptions and they add lies and deceptions and then they throw things right in your face. Like, here, do they WANT you to know that it’s a doll? And if so, why? Sometimes it’s to further hypnotize the masses, like on the space station and cognitive dissonance. Sometimes, like here, maybe they want to say, "Look, the Palestinians". God knows the synagogue of satan with the star of fenfram wouldn’t lie to us and create hoaxes. So, we know Hamas and mossad are to drops in the same pile of feces. But, Is there a war? We know there’s an infestation of satan’s voodoo creatures from africa into human lands all across the earth. We know those are soulless creatures. Is it all a diversion from that. It seems to me the death of Christians and the mind control five decades of abortion-whores killing their babies and now they’re being systematically raped and forced to have the voodoo babies. Interesting the timing of overturning Roe v Wade, right. And here’s a death cult pushing abortions for humans yet advocating for money to be donated to Haitian birthing clinics. Wow. Satan does not like Japanese or Europeans, I’m thinking because they are creators and innovators. Let’s all dumb-down to the african-voodoo shuckin’ and Jivin’ down at the liqour store. Get humans hooked on fentanyl and xylazene. Innoculate them so their autistic and cancerous and then create whole industries around the autism and cancer epidemic and ask for donations because we’ve got to stop childhood cancer, says, St. Jude’s hospital as they beg donations. And the autism businesses that have sprung up suddenly. Wow, and remember, there weren’t enough vaccines for the africans. Those mean western europeans and asians that are dropping dead from the vaccine were so mean that they wouldn’t share with the Africans. GEe, I wonder who satan’s minions are? Hmmm like the sheep said to the other, "I’m telling you, Harry, that Dog and that Man are WORKING TOGETHER. You see the yamika wearers celebrating Martin Lucifer King. Gosh, I wonder if Freemason sodomite Martin Lucifer, whose last speech before his hoax death was in a mason lodge-coven-homosexual collective, I wonder if THose dogs are working together. Watch your homeland. The synagogue of satan is evil. The voodoos only do evil. They own the television, air waves (satan prince of the air) publishing and everything. See the voodoos encouraged and allowed to rob and destroy businesses and see the businesses put out of business by the hoax pandemic and now see Google, the biggest search engine on the plain earth and under the search bar, "support black business." They go and ruin lives and now say, "support us. " The abortion whores and homosexuals WILL support them because they’ve been beaten into the cult.

Some part is missing i am a few minfrom end of translation. My file is 1:03:47:968. I suppose the part where he starts crying is cut in your version. This guy is a hero.

This is what runs the beloved DEMOCRACY/ AKA CORPORTOCRACY.

Bob Dylan? Who said in an interview with Ed Bradley said he made a deal with the Commander and Chief of this world and the the world that you cannot see, to get him where he is today and he’s just keeping up his end of the bargain. No different than Alister Crowley and all those in the music industry that follow his teachings, Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

lol in 2006 I was bringing in $150k a year from Google. It was around $62 bucks an hour plus all food paid for. If they decided to drug test the Google employees, they wouldn’t have Google employees.

Also sorry about your dog a while back. Never a good time when that happens. A part of the family. I wish you well, I’m just talking. You had a much better position at Google, if I even worked there.... the check stubs did not have google on them. I doubt you were making 15 bucks an hour in 2005.

You’re right. It was just a stooge job rating websites on relevant search words. Before the automated version. All internet based. So you are probably correct, just a contractor. I used to smoke weed and drink beer the entire time I did that. Also watch TV. My background is in television, since 2001, film before, but I don’t need to be reminded of all the taxes for you to make a point. Say something we all don’t know. . . Love 153news. I’m not trying to be mean.

So Elong Dong is another proud supporter of Geno jobs I see? You can always tell the make of a person by the filth they knock around with rite?

Those who bomb women and kids are a breed not worth knowing, real men shape up and go door to door seeking their targets, not the filth this lot are committing. NATO that proud Western lot who fund and fully support Geno jobs since WW2

For those clowns who reckon they have the best fighting troops in the world , all I can say is ’’Croc’’, a 100% lie. They can only bomb and shoot women and kids in the 1000’s. It is the US that fight all their wars while they sob under kitchen tables like little girls

Anyone who calls these pirates Is Rail is 100% clueless and sold a total croc of lies. These pagan evil Babylonians are 100% mafia and always have been, this Nimrod crowd is right out of the Bible. They are 100% the anti Christ outfits doing a live Geno job on Gaza and the West Bank. Only filth bombs women and kid and they are all 100% Pure Filth.

86 is a VG innings, a fall can happen at any age, usually after sinking 25 pints

And if you really did work for Google, email me a copy of your door badges but if you never talked to one person at the company, sorry, that’s not Google...thats the throw away contractors they mainly hire.

What a Jip, paying some fatboy merch a ’’Membershit’’ fee to buy a supposed bargain? You’d have to be Hooters to swallow that pimpline

Lol a political stunt? You are something else aren’t ya? I moved to avoid a satanic sold out America and avoid the evil coming upon your lands. And no you never really worked for Google if you never talked to anyone at the company. You were probably a throw away contractor which google uses, abuses and tosses in the trash. But you never really worked for Google. Anyway....enjoy your trans America brush fire. I would take a famine over living as a slave. What’s worse is the people enslaved fight for their plantation. If possible you should get out of America before it falls harder. It’s gonna get real rough real soon.

spreading Numonia around?? Dude you are clueless, get a medical degree or 2 B4 piping out jibberish. Those who diet rite and add iodine daily don’t suffer from any pathogens and never will. Look it up.