
Thanks for posting the source and more information about Doctor Sam Bailey. I completely agree with all she said in the video.

Yes good advice buffy. We need insiders as well.

Good video except for showing the easily debunkable New World Order AE map at the end. The Jesuits realized that a growing number of people would eventually figure out that our realm is flat, so they prepared in advance to have their Freemason agents roll out the AE map as the correct alternative; however, both models are false.

If you are an awake medical professional, you are needed as an infiltrator within the system. Continue your positions as medical professionals; however, be subtle, stealthy, and opportunistic as you work against the system from the inside. We need you to be our inside men and women.

Yes exactly. The Elite will always provide oppositional groups for people to follow. The most valuable asset and treasure in this world except from Love, is the Truth. All the wealth and power of the Elite, is pinned on their monopoly of true information and knowledge of controlling large populations. That’s why people are allowed to become rich, but never gain access to archives containing true world history or true information about how the system works. They’ve scattered this information as much as possible, to conceal it.

yeah whatever I was sayin the same crap in 2013 on youtube before they started going after people taking channels down F em

The truth in plain sight.

Thanks we needed that!

Facts don’t matter with these sellouts. Stop the presses! Naaa….too many FACTS….be on your way….I have bullshit to shovel.

Telling the truth got real expensive and dangerous. I learn everything the hard way.


Yes, I followed Dr McCullough early on as well and IMO he is controlled Opp, let’s not forget that people in China were wearing masks well before the Plandemic because pollution and air quality is terrible there, and then they go and spray more toxic poisons in public places which could contribute to lung and breathing problems exacerbated by all the vaccines made by genocidal American Big Pharma, not from China.

Except for Annabelle

Lots of people have been fooled by Dr. McCullough since 2020. He has spoken against the Covid vaccines from the beginning, which is good but he continues to spew the Covid 19 is a real thing bullshit. These people are all committing crimes against humanity. They all damn well know what the truth is but continue to push lies.

The oligarchs are really tightening the noose around the neck of John Q. Public. Even those who were aware of this and have prepared, are having their "cushion" eaten away. Growing and storing your own food is more important than ever. It’s hilarious that one can now view a $5K freeze drying machine as a great bargain. Energy is another very important issue to consider. These bums will leave nothing to chance in their quest to destroy people’s livelihood and usher in total NWO slavery.

Death has a color thing. I think.... He’s dead.

would be verry interesting to find a mintmark on that doll to see if the mfgr is the same company in Long Beach that mfgr the EMT training torso dummies that resembled George Floyd before it was arson-insurance claimed in the riots that ensued.

Are we not identified by our alter ego borrowing biological material from a natural man or person as incorporated to the Scarecrow? only employable personell join those Federal agencies, while a natural man only has access to joining militia in non-municipal non-incorporated areas. RE: No thinking person.

Try doing some actual research like buying a respirator that can catch 4x4micron Graphene Oxide, wear that instead of a face diaper and see how unappealing the social preferences for a decorative cloth mask might try to intimidate you to the point of a police report; consider a dwelling or vehicle that has positive air-flow through a single door safety chamber. if it doesn’t come from the emitions of Chinese fishing fleets enroute to Ecuador then it is arriving in slow-discharge of Chinese products like brakepads or Aerosols and consumables. RE uploader: BANNED FOR LIFE FOR REFUSING TO WEAR A MASK.

Well, if you "took her down" you know you would get sued by her for assault or some nonsense, not to mention probably get arrested for assault. She isn’t really hurting anyone besides a ton of property, so you can’t say you felt like she was going to attack you.. it’s a tough one.