
Mas causality exercise gone live.

Thank you, I really appreciate that.

Great, thank you.

Everyone in the brotherhood that you belong to seems to be packing though. Thanks for spewing the line that the government wants you to about theaters shopping malls synagogues and churches that are targets for terrorists, this is nothing but terrorism by government.

Once again black folks freak the fuck out if you mess up a fast food order.Watch a REAL black funeral and then watch this lame attempt.

Stop praying for people that didn’t die, and stop mixing truth with disinformation honey, nobody died in any of those staged events, but you present a clipping that purports to suggest that people died on these dates. Utter fabrications.

Great video. Thanks for the time and effort putting it together.

Oh wow, you found a clip of this gruesome thing with 2 extra minutes of gold. I need to find this. lol.

I just got my 15 seconds of fame, he he he, and survived a mass causality exercise, what is wrong with people that they can’t see through this? Another Bill to ban assault weapons just failed, but don’t hold your breath, the mass hypnosis is in full force.

I know right! All these fake shootings and nothing’s being done about it?

The advanced technology required to self assemble a Bluetooth transmitter starting from a liquid within the human body is frightening to say the least. A transmitter has to have some kind of power to radiate EM waves. It has to have coding to generate the address and follow the interface requirements. The code has to run on something...a BIOS. The only things left to install are sensors to monitor your vitals and a full up Operating System and you are a cyborg. Everybody gets an identical copy of it...the image of the Beast. And each of us give it breath and life. Supposedly it kills the hosts of those who will not worship its creator. The ultimate ’blue screen of death’. Thanks, Bill.

Great news!

posted to Odysee thanks

Some types of COVID vaccine are reported to cause the recipients to emit unnamed Bluetooth MAC addresses, which can be detected with an Android smartphone put into developer mode or an iPhone with the app BLE Scanner 4.0. If you are using the app, click on the radar icon located in the top-right corner to see Bluetooth MAC addresses divided up into immediate, near and far categories. Graphene hydroxide, alleged to be in some COVID vaccines, has unusual electrical properties. There are plenty of Internet videos displaying this phenomenon.

Then u got the New Normal of all these people demonstrating against Israel So i think what will these Zionist Psychos do? Most likely a terrorist strike on the USA rnmaybe they will take out a ship they like to do that but more likely it will be on stateside to really bring it home

This is an oldie but a goody. And yes, there were dozens of debunking answers supplied. Such as: it is all imaginary, camera tricks, sticking due to moisture, sticking due to heavy magnets under their arms, sticking by clear adhesive. All the people are delusional, con-artist, paranoid, liars trying to get likes and/or prove fraudulent lawsuits. They even went as far to try to stick magnets to people months after injection and they also took freshly pricked arms from a single lot/type to prove it is all a myth. The very well coordinated and concerted effort to disprove all the testimony of these people says something in and of itself. Can there be something very telling or very important about the magnetism they don’t want us looking at?

What that 5G map looks like to me is the 5G saturated places are where the guys that don’t have 5G will launch some type of psychotronic weapons against i also remember seeing some videos where it was claimed that some of these cell towers could also be turned into mega explosives

WOW! that is quite a compilation and kinda mind-blowing watching all these sheep with their unquestioned reaction to their magnetic jabs

Anyone with a good memory could be a doctor. All you have to do is memorize certain useless information and then repeat it back to the professors. My son-in-law is a doctor and we avoid talking about anything health related because he knows how I feel. When someone comments how great it is that our daughter married a doctor, I tell them I wish she married a plumber.

Doctor Bailey videos can be also found in