
Cool. Do you know what website he was referring to, and/or the download materials?

Hmm...who funded that, I wonder? Could it have been those agents known as the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers? Or maybe it was the Fabians. It makes no difference - they are all one and the same...and they have almost completed their long march through the institutions.

When chemtrails stop we will know good is in control until then fukm all

The TRUTH is a LIE! Remember. An Atisemite is not someone who hates the Jews. It’s someone the Jews HATE! For telling the TRUTH about them

Pretty sure Kerry is wearing a mask. If it even is the person we have come to know as Kerry. Creepy as they get

See this is the video that needs to be mass emailed to pastors in all our local Christian churches

Everything I have read on similar flyers is factual.

@3:08 The technology to wear a completely convincing face mask has been around for about a decade. Look at his mouth and the distance from his face to his teeth. The rubber skin, the fake wig hair, his inset eyes, the very expressionless face. Either this man is Frankenstein or that is a mask.

how fearing covid and taking the jab was presented as a means to subdue disconnectedness whilst also simultaneously causing it

"radically intolerant for dissonant voices"

"you’re a shmuck for not wearing a mask" -- arnold swarzenegger 4:47 in

"People who do not go along with the masses are stigmatized, and in the end the masses are inclined to destroy the people who do not go along with them, and they do so as if it is an ethical duty to do so." -- 4:50 in

"Getting good people to do bad things, harmful things, while thinking they are good things, is a dangerous place to be, because it looks great -- you feel great, while you are being used." -- 5:07 in

"They will sacrifice themselves and they see it as a virtue because it demonstrates their complete obedience to the cult, the group, to perform ritualistic behavior which causes them harm." -- 5:23 in

Orchestrated in ways that are too hard for many to comprehend.

Good rant from the salty cracker/ I think ?

Details sof fundamental design changes / weakening of electrical grid have been posted on for almost 10 years, with links and sources, as explained by Eric Dollard. ---------------- ---------------- Fourth-Wire (ground) being added between substations (and transformer connections being changed from proven delta/wye, consequently ’tying everything together’, weakening the system by negating distributed magnetic (safety) buffering and making the entire system noisier and much more widely vulnerable to catastrophic damage from EMP, lightning, etc. ----------------- The power grid is being expensively, surreptitiously re-rigged to severely weaken it and cause harm, encouraging mass destruction and debilitation in any real or false-flag event. There is no valid engineering reason; there is no valid cost reason; there is no valid performance reason. The power grid is being systematically re-engineered and undermined to facilitate broad, deep harm by natural forces, cataclysms and purposeful attacks. -----------------

Candor Productions anything but candid.

A Call for an Uprising which is now An Eye for an Eye has been one of my favorite channels for a while now. He currently has three channels because he’s constantly having channels deleted because of censorship. I believe he’s as trustworthy and honest as anybody out there.

Thank you for this, I watched the video and followed the link you provided which was much easier to read but was completely deceptive and tried to steer and lead people away from asking questions which is what people with critical thinking minds are supposed to do. For the love of money is the root of all evil.......... after vaccinations to keep them quiet.