
IF indeed this is genuine . The lying degenerate sodomite has just shot "himself "i in the proverbial foot . However I agree wholeheartedly with his sentiments regarding that senile geriatric embarrassment Biden . Surely AmeriKa`s most loathed President. EVER !

What we need to do is come up with a coordinated effort for getting information that is quick and concise out to all the pastors of churches all over America. If enough viewers took some time to print out brief description, envelope, stamp send to local churches educating pastors on what it is they are supporting and why they should stop NOW. It is obvious to me that vast majority have no clue what they are condoning.

What’s your opinion as to why they ditched their identification?


Open air fire impossible to melt steel; otherwise, no backyard grills, blowtorches, or gas stoves could exist. Molten steel hallmark of directed energy weapons attack.

use less words & more meaning...too much waffling

show me your evidence

mate wake up...duality world...bad contrasts good...can’t have 1 without the other...all you can do is control the bad by killing the docile masses...simple...but yeah I agree this world is full of mental illness...which is a choice no less!

great ???

Christ was not a jew he was a nazerine or Galilean I’d say but not a jew no j in bible till1600s

Laws are placed in our hearts the book is a stumbling block cause many think they have The eternal Father by reading it! If we do his will we are his children in christ our brother

Look up Ephesians 6:12 in kjv then look it up in Geneva same verse! I dumped the kjv! King James was not a godly men! The brought the Geneva bible used it on mayflower! They did not use the kjv! Dump the king jv.

Moms of America tested food from ten restaurants subway and Chipotle were d.. Bk.. Etc..worst had dog vaccine to defertilize pets from having puppies in human foods wow

They also make sludge out of dead bodys poor it in drains water our food crops like 30 states? Sick shit!

ah! interesting, thanks for that! I will check those out!

British Israelism came out of the Zionism movement thru the evangelical,Mormons and sabbath day cults. And let’s add the national surgical practice of circumcision.

Yes, I agree with you that is pure propaganda for the normalization of something that is not normal. I just subjected myself to watching the episode. It is the main listing on the Channel 5 website! I watched and feel sure it is as you state the death jab that is the cause of her death. Seems like the excess clotting of the blood, the jab turning the blood to treacle. They were full of testing the heart and found nothing, but she had a cardiac arrest, they never mentioned testing the blood for excess clotting. How many times have the likes of us seen people dropping dead during physical exertion, too many! I keep going. Hope you are as best as you can be.

yes ray, i was sickened last night watching it, the reason i did was to dissect what they were going to spew to us, its clear the show is aimed at normalizing the death and covering up the jabs, hope your all good my friend

Let’s see the uncut version of that hatchet job from Vice. Heard they were folding like a deck of cards. Fingers crossed.