
carbon dioxide is fantastic...we need more of it...without it we’ll all be dead...get a carbon generator & see how fucking fast your plants will grow...there’s too many spazmo retards listening to the predatory paedophiles...they all gotta die with extreme save the world & kill a retard today

no 1 gets lied just allow yourself to be tricked...but yeah you’re right...we live in something & NOT on something...gases & liquids have to be no retard ball earth spinning at 1000mph inside a fucking vacuum...there’s too much metal illness in this world

Since the beginning LQC has led the way in exposing the horrors of the FrakenVaxx. Thank You, from humanity.

carbon dioxide is fantastic...we need more of it...without it we’ll all be dead...get a carbon generator & see how fucking fast your plants will grow...there’s too many spazmo retards listening to the predatory paedophiles...they all gotta die with extreme save the world & kill a retard today

I gotta ask...who the fuck was retarded enough to get tricked into taking this...certainly wasn’t me or anybody I know

crock of shit

I don’t think this is real.

Credit goes to Matt Orfalea, and then by markcrispinmiller. link to full video in discription box another 4 minutes of additional video.

The only improvement? If they let him show the pages on a large projection screen. This shows to what extent people in government will go and how accustomed they are, to ass kissing anything Jewish, especially when it comes to perversion.

What a fantastic montage of the insanity of it all, I still can’t come to grips with the fact that they had such a coordinated onslaught on people who did not have the ability to sort out the lies from these evil people. Most are still under the spell. Makes my blood boil.


When I use the term "a/that better place" it’s just a facetious jab at the common knee jerk, overused statement about death. I meant just plain, dead. Meaning; not enough of these fools have died, for them to have honestly taken the real jab juice.

Absolutely, Dr Kary Mullis said it ( PCR TEST) was not to be used as a diagnostic tool, that if done properly could find just about anything, much of which was already being purged by the body’s immune system, and that’s why they removed him at a time when they planned to roll out the depopulation vax IMO. He said Dr Fauci doesn’t know anything he thinks he can stick a blood sample under a microscope, and and if there is a virus there he will be able to see it.

Testing positive for Covid means nothing. Covid doesn’t exist, the tests don’t test for anything but infection.

With these people, they will never see a better place. They will all burn in hell!

I’m all for the jab for these useful idiots. It appears however, that they’ve been cheating. Not enough of these enthusiastic jabbers have moved on to that better place.

Glad someone else is tackling /exposing this geoengineering genocide. Along with covidiocy, the greatest and ongoing and MASSIVELY ramped up crime in human history. Yet the masses refuse to look up and SEE this taking place ,right in front of their eyes. Incidentally, the bastards are replacing the deep BLUE skies with the all too common filthy grey/brown chemical "skies" in ALL movies and TV programmes from way back. ( normalising the ABnormal ) JUST as Orwell predicted in his masterpiece 1984. Please 153, consider featuring GEOENGINEERING WATCH ,especially their weekly Global Alert News Simply the best go to site on this nightmarish issue. - Good to see that BitChute have already done this.

You can paste in your search bar the following (remove the quotation mark) " A message to customers and partners"

Pfizer is covered by govt just like Hollywood. They can lose money.

And to think, they did this to us just since 1900. Before then everyone knew all shots were no good. Read The Poisoned Needle, free online. There are no viruses Matty. Educate yourself. No covid.