
They have been lying to us about water altogether. They told us nothing about primary water which is endless in the ground. It is self cleaning the same as the air. Here. See for yourself.

They have been lying to us about water altogether. They told us nothing about primary water which is endless in the ground. It is self cleaning the same as the air. Here. See for yourself.

They have been lying to us about water altogether. They told us nothing about primary water which is endless in the ground. It is self cleaning the same as the air. Here. See for yourself.

Yup, and so did all the presidents before them.

Cheers to the pack life!! Mr bossman God bless day by day bro.

Everyone at some time or another can be taken in or misled by a false or questionable report, even if they may have been reliable in the past, we should question everything, so I thank you for bringing this to my attention, and the family at 153News, after looking into this after the fact, I cannot confirm that this is a legitimate report from December of 2023, and a red flag should have been the 2 XX’s preceding December, I will however leave this up instead of deleting it as some might have chosen to do. We are all human and prone to error, this is my retraction.

The people that survived God gives them a chance to talk truth! But if they refuse to speak it that chance Will be the last! The next round Will be eternal forever hold your peace id say!but as their father loves not the truth cause he is father of lies and no truth in them they reject knowledge so the truth living God Will reject them and their children! As it is written so be it!!Repent !!

PLEASE ! get up to date with this damnable weather warfare . Visit Geoengineering Watch . NO other site comes close to blowing the lid on this greatest on going crime in history . WAKE UP !!

Please supply corroborative links, so others can sort this out, thanks.

Yep, a very bad performance. Little demons sell their souls cheap these days.

Hey Jeff if you ever do read this ha,, you and everybody in the western world MUST look into ALL of this. It is the only topic that literally must be known by all if we are to stand a chance of ever getting humanity on track to peace and unity. All other topics of concern dangle from the central mass of this tumor.

Looking on the internet, Schneider issued similar message in Apr 2021, Dec 2021 and May 2023.

This might be the case in US, but in Europe, countries such Germany restarted their coal based power plants, especially to cope with winter season.

He/she/it? 100% told the truth at the very end.

is that the handsome truth guy?

its now Dec 2023 and still no court in the world has proof a virus even exists, not one.

Coffins and cars? Now thats a sweet combo

Sudden death can strike at any time but recently more often. Mind what goes into your body.

The authorities use the term SADS for any sudden deaths these days

So the brother claims he’s on campus with his sister every moment, but not today. At that age the last thing you want to do is hang with your sis. Crisis Actors are getting worse with each and every False Flag B.S. crisis.