
Yes, John Hagee, another false preacher, many false prophets shall arise and decive many.

Site says looks like your trying to watch program only available in the UK.

People were flooding the hospital with covid, of course they wouldn’t have known they had covid in most cases until after they had that PCR swab jammed up their nose and twisted around possibly giving them what they entered the hospital for.

I don’t watch TV as such at all. Crazy to know they are making cheap TV out of such evil. Leader Josh Block READ THE SEXIST EMAIL EXCHANGE ABOUT RULA JEBREAL WITH FORMER AIPAC SPOKESMAN The Luntz report, officially entitled "The Israel project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary, Frank Ian Luntz (jew) Luntz was born and grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut, the son of Phyllys (née Kelmenson) and Lester Luntz, who together wrote the first American forensic dentistry textbook.[10][11][12] His family is Jewish

I’ve mentioned and shared this phenomenon before. People who have lived through, and can recall different times, such as the 1960’s, really do have a different perspective compared to much younger people. Even as those born in the 1970’s and 1980’s can admit to a similar observation. GEN-Z appears to have suffered the most, for having the least measuring stick of all.

One of queer boy Zelenski`s thugs by any chance OMG ?

Couldn`t bring myself to watch it all. Like swimming through sh-t . However concur with info presented . Can well believe the detestable sodomite percentages in the poxy talentless "muSICK" industry . SO glad I grew up in the 60`s when we had REAL music with message content and talent . More importantly we also had REAL men and women ,and NOT the hideous ,repulsive tranny freaks featured in this informative yet puke inducing documentary. PS When you`re out of circulation ( permanently) O of C and you meet the "figments" of our imagination. You`ll realise - too late - how wrong you were/ are

OHHH please . EFFF off with your "vaccines" And as for "climate change " Get your facts right . YES it`s changing ,and it`s not your friendly neighbourhood cows farting , but MILLIONS of aircraft spraying highly toxic chemicals ( 100 tons per flight ) into the atmosphere reacting with weather "modification" weapons such as HARRP. Oh and lets not forget the bastards are blocking out the Sun and destroying our God given immune system . And as Lyndon Johnson ranted decades ago . He who controls the weather controls the world " Check out GEOENGINEERING WATCH the most visited site in the world regarding this blatant hidden in plain site ,onslaught

It`s only when I`m reminded of the utter covidiocy INSANITY ! rules and restrictions . ESPECIALLY the brain dead zombified muzzled morons. That I realise I will NEVER accept a rerun of this madness . Guess I`ll have to come to terms with starving or freezing to death , courtesy of the MASSIVELY ramped up "silent weapons for quiet wars " geoengineering programmes . Which incidentally is killing ALL forms of life . YET very few even bother to look up at the aircraft spewed trails ( on the VERY RARE occasions we even see a clear blue sky or sun ). OR at the devastation all around. Trees in particular . No need for bombs and bullets these days , unless of course your one of the poor sods trapped in Gaza

We already at war , or haven`t you noticed. Covidiocy was merely a taster and precursor. Oh SURE AmeriKans will finally step up to the plate .Led /supplemented no doubt by the usual feminazi hybrid "hero`s". The script never varies. ( it`s always some variation of the 7th Cavalry riding to the rescue ) although back then at least they got the role of the sexes right. And NO I won`t be going to see this version of it either.

It really is coming down to decision time (easier said than done I know ). But yapping on about the right to bear arms is meaningless ,unless one is prepared to USE them . As the Constitution clearly and unambiguously states AGAINST enemies ,both foreign AND domestic. May God grant us a rallying Cromwell like figure in these end times ,before His return.

Whilst I admire anyone having the balls to confront and resist these increasingly tyrannical thugs .Poking them with the proverbial "stick" only escalates things . As for his comment "were not Russia ". I seriously suggest he take another look at his once free /home of the brave nation. Actually Vlad had the courage /decency to denounce the detestable lgbxyz movement in his nation recently. With the added bonus of kicking Zelenski`s nether region militarily .

MAN !! to think their was a time I respected these guys , NOT the loathsome pseudo masculine pint sized gun toting feminazi hybrids ( although this curse is pretty much global now ) .I seem to recall - somewhere in Isiah, that ( as an act of Judgment ) "women" would have dominance and children becoming oppressors. One thing is for sure Israhell`s covenment is NO different from any of the other 666 One World Covenment scum, (or a certain mustacheod chap from the 30`s) . AmeriKa , being top of the list., ladling out cash to that sodomite / male stripper /actwhore Zelenski. However the "invasion" now taking place will eventually ensure a "rectification". There`s a great deal of old scores to settle . Gulf wars 1&2 911 etc etc. We here in Britain are experiencing exactly the same.

Knowing this information is probably more important than the truth about all the false flag shootings combined, considering current events. One takes your guns, the other takes your well being and eventually, your life. I know some will say, try defending your life without guns, but it changes the argument very little. Well done, thanks.

I should rephrase my request for diversified opinion to specifically exclude foolhardy and destructive ad hominem.

And then it goes down the memory hole never to be questioned again. Remember, all it takes is for the controllers to yell ’anti-’ in front of anything questionable to make the sheep stop bleating. We will never know what happened to John, or NYC/DC/PA, or THIS, or the ’Pale citizens’, or the next atrocity. Even the truth is regarded as something shameful by the brainwashed.

But you have to admit, it was entertaining for a moment. ;)

They had us killing each other in the 1860’s..................why not try it again?