
Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!

Another 7000 processed by morning? Let’s say there’s ten hours till morning. That makes 5.14 people processed every second. Something is off here.

Tell a Vision Brain Washing Mind Control Seems to be Working? The. Medical Witches have put a Spell on Humanity. Following Blindly off the cliff .

His name Yahuah Means Yah the ever Existent One..

The Gates of Hell . Hard at Work. Devil is after the soles of men! Cry out to our Creator His name Hebrew Yahuah. Oh. also English. Names don’t. Change. Only he can Save Us!

I live in the countryside, in Fife, Scotland - on the north side of the Forth and just north of Edinburgh Airport. We are not on any flight-path...and yet - there are at least 5 aircraft, every day, spewing out trails that merge into cover.

Brilliant video, Cooper James. It sums up everything.

There’s something about Dissident7 that doesn’t ring true to me.

This is old. I seem to remember that it was associated with Bill Gates, at the time, because the footage was blurry and it sounded like his voice. But Billy-boy would never have had to present anything to an audience of six.

And, talking of cohencidences, William Schaw (1550 - 1602, architect to James VI of Scotland) wrote protocols for Scottish Rite Freemasonry, whereby tilers were put at the entrances to guard against the Cowans (Cohens) getting in.

I don’t know if there is even such a thing as a, ’Jew’. There is a death cult, for sure - but they were known as the, ’name stealers’, Sabbatean Frankists. Were they the Pharisees? And has anyone else noticed the, ’Roman’ nose?

For me, it’s the best video that he’s ever done - but the rabbit hole goes far deeper. The term, ’Jew’, only entered the lexicon in the 18th century...cohencidentally about the same time as the Rothschilds and their cousins married into the European (notably British) aristocracy and the French and American revolutions were fomented - along with the rise of the East India Company which raped and pillaged everywhere they could - and then went bust (ha ha), leaving the serfs to pick up the tab.

Who the hell would listen to these frauds and actually get the vaccine. They are all possessed by devils and they’re the ones who should be removed from society.

allowing yourself to be tricked is what gets you killed...end of chat

I didn’t get tricked into taking the jib jab...I knew it was bullshit straight away...too much retardation in this realm...stop listening to predatory paedophiles...start killing them with extreme prejudice

carbon dioxide is fantastic...we need more of it...without it we’ll all be dead...get a carbon generator & see how fucking fast your plants will grow...there’s too many spazmo retards listening to the predatory paedophiles...they all gotta die with extreme save the world & kill a retard today

no 1 gets lied just allow yourself to be tricked...but yeah you’re right...we live in something & NOT on something...gases & liquids have to be no retard ball earth spinning at 1000mph inside a fucking vacuum...there’s too much metal illness in this world

Since the beginning LQC has led the way in exposing the horrors of the FrakenVaxx. Thank You, from humanity.

carbon dioxide is fantastic...we need more of it...without it we’ll all be dead...get a carbon generator & see how fucking fast your plants will grow...there’s too many spazmo retards listening to the predatory paedophiles...they all gotta die with extreme save the world & kill a retard today

I gotta ask...who the fuck was retarded enough to get tricked into taking this...certainly wasn’t me or anybody I know