
It sucks because I have good friends that are Jews, who are not like this. So I don’t, at all, agree with blanket statements, that ALL Jews are evil. But, obviously, the ones I call Jewish Supremacists, are the ones responsible for the things he mentioned. But don’t forget the Vatican and the Jesuits. They are right up there too. But, here’s very powerful flyers indicting the Jewish Supremacists, for more than he speaks about.

Gone with the wind

Criminals posing as God’s chosen people and they have hoodwinked the nation’s.

I suppose there are some positive points to be made. Fewer emotional pleas from the SPCA for money.

I’m sure it’s healthier than all the fast food crap here in the US.

It fits a Ketogenic diet. That’s why so many are pretty fit within their body weight.

I’m sure the FDA will quickly approve this quisine with rotts of rice.

Or it just means that they are not really processing,, just letting them in. Oh well we will know soon enough won’t we if its true or false? Doubtful that a nation full of mask wearers and shot takers are going to do anything about it.

She drinks a lot of coffee, eh?

here’s a good download

I said cult before he I bet they all derived from

All fags

It’s a cult

I paused the video after 10 seconds and God told me they use this epic to traffic organs to communicate with each other in code to harvest bodyparts in some sort of way I bet I am on the right page...don’t trust any medical industry never they are all mk ultrad and the one that are not don’t last long in suit.

Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!

Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!

Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!

Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!

Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!

Spread info a company called ipw is passing out free counter top water filters yes freee! But here’s the kicker the filters use nanotechnology (graphene oxide) beware is the same shit put in vax and is a United nations (un) agenda beware!! They sent me one but il never use it ! Plus the agenda is to make us drink tiolet recycled water no joke these mf!! Share information look up does nanotechnology water filters contain graphene oxide yes it does!!