
Jones has been the top alternative media, controlled operative since he came on the scene shortly before the government assassination of Bill Cooper, who WAS the real deal. I started following him in 1999. I bought his Police State 2000 immediately. As much as I’ve hated the SOB since 2012, I have to admit that I learned more about the way the world worked and history from him, than anyone else.

Everything Trump, and the rest of them for that matter, does is scripted. It’s just a reality TV show for the sheep.

Don’t know whether or not this is real, but I’m certain that Trump did not get sick with the non existent covid and anything that was presented that he did is utter bull squat, they all attack each other to present themselves as truth tellers, Gary King should play this for Professor Jim Fetzer, although I don’t think he would change his mind if the God he doesn’t believe in were to deliver it to him. Trump has full knowledge of the depopulation program, and went full speed ahead with Operation Warp Speed.

Whispering "look guys, you don’t actually have to take the shots, you just have to pretend, your on our team" it’s all for the greater good

They didn’t get into these positions by their own works, they we tapped just as they do in all secret societies, and these useful idiots are reaping the rewards in this life for their participation. The chicken’s will come to roost, or in other words their sins will be visited upon them.

New one in Prague today.

Up 200% over last month could mean two people.

Great research RBD3 - I went back and noticed the nurse referencing, ’EPIC’, in one of your last videos. I am not American. I am a Scottish woman who moved back after twenty years in France. The French ’reporting’ system is also rigged - they have manipulated the health insurance codes to ensure that there are no, ’events’, that are not covered. McKinsey are the umbrella company who, now, direct everything in France. We are all under a, nation-specific, tailored, attack.

The saddest part about listening to this: almost no normie will listen to it and of the few who do they will not believe it and or dismiss it because they don’t like the messenger. The brainwashed only hear what they have heard before and desire to hear again. You can demonstrate: the breaking of the rules of physics, contrary disproving facts, and impossible timelines and they will still repeat what the TV and school told them. Most of the most horrific events in history did not happen as we have been told. JFK, Pearl Harbor, the Tonkin Event, the NYC and other incidents, U Crane, and almost everything happening now. I often wonder if anything I think I know about history is true. I guess we’re near mudflood time again.

Another one for Gary to show to Jim.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines killed toddlers in the 1960s. Those that did not die after the vaccine got a worse or enhanced respiratory disease. The RSV vaccine made things worse.

I am so sick of Travis Kelse and the love of his life, Taylor Swifty. These two influencers are doing so much harm to the ignorant and gullible masses in this country..

Prince Philip (late consort and first cousin of Lizzie the second) was also known as, ’Phil the Greek’, since he was Greek and Danish (I think) ’Royal’ Family. It’s a small club (since they are all cousins), really, with an awful lot of distant cousins who are also useful idiots. They just don’t realise that after they have sucked us dry, those useful idiots will find themselves to be the only prey left, at the bottom of the pyramid.

I know it’s easy to judge one’s siblings and categorize them, I’m guilty. I’d bet that if you thought about your brother as a learning human being, smart in many things and ignorant in others as we all are, you just might withhold any such future negative declarations. I’m a good example of this. I attended no less than three Trump rallies in 2016, and today I’m creating videos such as this one. In my opinion It is foolish thinking to confuse a person’s ignorance of the truth at any particular time, with a lack of mental capacity. My best advice? Call your brother and tell him how much you love him while you can. I’m unable to do likewise, my idiot brother, passed away in 2019.

nice one

my thoughts when i read it, a jew is a jew

I AM HONEST MATE, i didnt make an error saying this, i new it goes deep but didnt realise that its actually the jews controlling it all, the jew connection, and its not by sheer ignorance, i just never went down that rabbit whole, i thoguht it was too big to bother, maybe a reget, but nevermind, now that this GAZA has happened its became apparent to me and likely many more who are now seeing the connection, both USA and the UK and many other countries, are supporting Israel, and whats Israel, the jews. fully aware the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, but didnt know they are all Jewish. im honest and i will continue to be, nice one ray.

My idiot brother drove 200 miles and stood in line for hours to see this asshole.

It would take around 230 years to cremate all the bodies according to their own records.

And now IDF, the worst human rights violators in the world are training our police.........................AND IT SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!