
Oh but they will always have a safety net ........... NOT..... gotta save our money for more important things, like SATAN CLAUSE and the festivities of SATURN WORSHIP, HAPPY SATURNALIA.... to ye all.

who’s watching the news...if you’re watching the news you need to can’t be in this world

I was among the few who saw infowars the day aj put the picture from fetzer’s book where you could see the school had the yellow tapes and no windows broken. Aj took down that pictures a few hours after i saw it and that was it. He started the war with the power of Covid and i knew he could no longer be trusted but before that event i think he was legit. Cmon guys, nobody can know everything and it’s easier on our parts being mr. Nobodys compared to a guy the whole world knows. The power of covid knows how to destroy vips. Aj has said a thousand times the cv19 vax is a bioweapon. A small clip taken out of context can’t match the fact he has been ultraclear on the vax. It is the problem with sandy hook that remains. He can never undo apologizing to those terrorists. Thats a fact i will never forgive.

And she looks like a boy with that haircut. Thank you for the video.

John Titus - Mommy, Where Does Money Come From.

UE LIKELY BULLSHIT, CHECK OUT THE SKY NEWS PRESENTER IN MY NEXT VIDEO, and seen no bodies or anyone being stretchered away as of yet, as usual the morons will come out to lite a candle, same old.

2 Peas in a pod, both wearing the Masonic Orange, it may mean nothing to some, but I see it as their calling card, and then you also have the Jewish threat angle which they have in the past and are continuing to implement.

Understood. There was a video clip I seen a while ago. You most likely have seen, I think I have I have saved it, If I can find I will send to you.

Sure glad we had some English speaking witnesses . #fakeasfuck

Guy with crutches was smiling a bit too much. Crisis Actwhore.

Student crisis actors likely jumping out of window on to an air mattress, and Margaret Brennan broadcasting from CBS in her Masonic orange, I don’t trust anyone affiliated with mainstream news, they are paid to lie and deceive us.

With hands up they run, what a joke. I suspect something’s up here at home, very soon. The criminals are chomping at the bit and Sandy Hook Promise is suffering delirium Tremens.

Don’t quite know what to make of it, I do see the one eye symbolism, and am not sure whether that is a coincidence or not, but as Denis Healey (former member of Parliament and finance director in the UK would say) World events do not occur by accident, they are made to happen, whether it to do with national issues or commerce, and most of them are staged or managed by those that hold the purse strings, he’s from your side of the pond boss.

I see that Scottland is nowhere near Wales. Lucky you, your far from that crowd.

I believe I have a trump two-ounce silver coin in my safe. worth 2 ounces of silver, and nothing more.

I keep presenting the Trump Temple coin with King Cyrus and Trump on it as if it’s trying to present a correlation between the two, with the inscription, HE charged me to build HIM a house in Jerusalem, as if Trump were some kind of King Cyrus, I could be off base, but the third temple comes to mind, and Trump was instrumental in moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and Trump is nothing but a puppet for Israel.

All credit goes to, Dr.Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D. He discovered it, I just made the story more interesting to follow, and therefore promote the information more effectively.rnIs Scottland near Wales? I may have a story about Wales on the back burner. Thanks for your interest.

I’d almost bet on that happening. :-)

I’m with you there too, I learned a lot from Jones early on as well, finding out that he didn’t actually sneak into Boeheim Grove because of security measures they have there, but was likely invited. Yes, the controlled opposition crowd do allow certain truths to be released to troll in those unaware.

Don’t get me started on Fetzer. He stole all sorts of amazing videos of mine, on the Boston Marathon Fake bombing, without ever giving me credit. I’ve tried to address it with him online, several times. He just ignores. These days, he’s turned into a clown.