
We wouldn’t have if everyone who visits here would donate even a small amount, but should that happy I’d like to know as well?

I love you and your family for the sacrifices you have made. Is there somewhere we can stay together on GAB or anywhere else?

eh mr brown tongue don’t stop licking his ass on my account

give me all the labels your low IQ amoeba brain can think’re just taking up valuable oxygen that a slug could be using

Definitely a Troll Shill, you watch videos that other people put up about current events destroying the world, you could put up some videos your own but I can see you are terrified of criticism TROLL.

Thank you for all that you do, Jason, and all that you and your family have sacrificed. It will be difficult to live without 153news.

Dude man is a rude man. We get them from time to time.

yeah if you’re gonna allow yourself to listen to predatory paedophiles & then repost it...then yes you need to die with extreme prejudice

you watch the news cause you’re retarded obviously...whilst looking for approval of your retardation

eh go put a dress on & swish about like a girl

Another truth source gone. This is one heck of a website. Really Hope there is a way to keep it up. It sucks the BS websites stay up without a hitch and no interruption in funding. They even get sponsors. This IS my source ...... sad day when it’s gone.

I watch news as a casual observer, to catch them in their lies, and then show it to the sleeping masses, in hopes that a few will wake up as I did, your out of circulation for a reason.

It’s just a position speakers rest their hands so they are not waiving them all about, right? No! Sky News is controlled opposition too, all mainstream media is controlled by the elites.

Same script, different country. The gunman kills himself with lots of ammunition remaining. How many times have we heard it could have been much worse?

Exactly what I was thinking.

yep e sigs fags x boxes the latest smart tv.

i would donate if i could but been out of work for some time due to issues, im good like, its an issue i would rather not mention, but money has been tight since, it will be sad to see it go Jason, i will have to buy a few hard drives and download as much as i can, the hoax terror events are most important the Christchurch stuff, what a crock of shit that was, thanks for the vid anyway. And like me i dont celebrate Christmas either, cant see the sense in it, merry barrrr hum bug to those who are the same.

appreciated jarrett k, the other turd about just comes up to there own conclusion about me rather than ask why i check the news out.

are you serious, you need to die for a comment like that, hey Jason Boss just giving you the heads up, one seems to have infiltrated 153 news.

Next year is going to be their big push to censor every website that they do not approve -and the acceleration of gas-lighting toward the November election. I don’t know any other site with a truly open source news base like this one. This site has provided a great service to humanity. After it is gone, many of us are going to find it difficult to discern truth. Thank you for all your hard work. Take care.