
That’s what Trump said, America’s Golden years are ahead of her, all I can think of now when I recall him saying that, is, as in retirement, and just like a video you posted, of Benjamin Netanyahu saying exactly that of which they will control, but I appreciate your optimism.

My reply was tongue in cheek also. "Everybody Knows" the best is yet to come. It’s not over yet.

It was tongue in cheek if you can say that. There is a Bible verse, I can’t recall it here, but it basically says that people will long for those former years and they shall not return, and that leads me to believe that this is the end of the line for the good ole USA where we had so many freedoms, and that people who were lucky enough to make it through the process worked like hell to keep it and praised that tried and true system that allowed people that were not born here to come here legally.

I had inmates literally yelling "153NEWS.NET !" down the hallways of more than one prison and I can’t count the fed pigs I dared to visit the site . That weapon alone made me more powerful than anyone , especially the corrupt judges , lawyers and chickenshit weakass U.S. Marshals .You’re really gonna regret it when it’s gone ...

I had inmates literally yelling "153NEWS.NET !" down the hallways of more than one prison and I can’t count the fed pigs I dared to visit the site . That weapon alone made me more powerful than anyone , especially the corrupt judges , lawyers and chickenshit weakass U.S. Marshals .You’re really gonna regret it when it’s gone ...

yea, I’m such a loser. All the whining torrents of tears, longing for what looked like the good ole days. Oh, the ungratefulness! when so many fine folks have worked so hard, to get the future paradise planned and ready to roll out. I don’t know what’s gotten into my empty head.

I should have put a question mark in the title as I said I can’t verify it’s authenticity, I only posted it for those here to dissect and question.

Gotta love .22lr . I carry a .22lr pistol all the time these days, and was just shooting my .22lr rifle at 110 yards and hitting a paper plate with iron tech sights. I think it will do the job.

You are such a bigot for wanting a homeland of your own, the Jews want one, and only they alone are supposed to have the right to have one in the eyes of the world.

I made the observation that I could have taken him out with a 22 rifle if any of this were real. Gun ownership in Prague is quite prevalent and people can have permits to carry or you can join a citizens milita, all you have to do is pass a firearms competency test with no criminal record, much like here, in free states that is. If this wasn’t a hoax many people that own firearms would have taken him out in a matter of seconds, I strongly suspect that Prague is falling in line with the mandates for unarmed citizens by the dictates of The New World Order.

This POS made a deal with the devil. He’s pushing Bud Light too. They reward him with this scripted relationship with "Taylor" (born a male) Swift, the top Illuminati controlled "star" to promote the both of them. I wish nothing but the worst to both of them.

Ummm....I still have no idea of what the results were.

Please, everyone, donate each and every month. That is the only way we can keep this going. That is what I do, on the first of each month, like clockwork. Please, you can all donate something.

I would like to participate, but I don’t have suggestions, hopefully it won’t happen but, I’m not optimistic because this seems to be a trend, and miracles have been preformed in the past pulling 153 out of the hole. Jason has said many times that if everyone that visited this site would put in a dollar we wouldn’t have this problem, 1 measly inflated Federal Reserve Note. Many of you could do at least that every month, and yet you cry about our loss of freedoms. Jason is the shining light of truth from the jungles of Panama in the defense of freedom.

Telling us in advance of their evil planned events?

Good call for donations, it needs to be said. Let’s all remain hopeful, while153new’s body is still warm. Thanks.

Jason is the man...!

Jason - you set up my account however I am unable to upload. The option is grayed out. I sent you an email. Please advise what I need to do to be able to upload. Thanks!

Looks fake.rnTaking the first line (The Guardian) on 30th of Nov the news was not there: the last line, shows a website called, which does not exists...rn

You have a skull and bones avatar. It’s a sure sign of where your allegiance lies.