
Sign and symbol of evil.

Death to Israel and the jew collective worldwide.

Matthew 10:7 But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the councils and will scourge you in their synagogues. Matthew 24:8-9 and these are the BEGINNING OF SORROWS. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of ALL THE NATIONS for my names sake.

They do like to leave their calling cards and give future hints as to the next Psyop/false flag event.


Agenda 2030/2050 does not care who wins. The same bankers/ oil/ gas still run the world behind closed doors.Barring a revolution it will only get worse.The two party system is designed to divide/distract .Look into Agenda 2030 as much as hawk tuah or watching a foul call replayed 20 times. My two cents.

Same tired script, different city.

Trump is number one muppet.


Sandy Hook Promise is lurking somewhere in the background in Fordyce. It has the same smell as in Michigan.State, MSU

They are testing EMF - they have done this kind of test even on sheep - AND THEN THEY SAID SHEEP DIED FROM Worry!

I call them charismatic Christian churches like the one Kenneth Copeland belongs to, which really have nothing to do with Christianity which filled the White House to pray over Trump and lay hands on him.

You knew it was coming. Is the University of Alabama the next fake mass school shooting?

A lot of these duped people behind Trump are christian Zionists They have swallowed every last bite of the shit propaganda dished out to them by the Jews. They will follow Trump to their doom

As i recall the FIRST law the Bolshevik Communists enacted when they took over Russia in 1917 was the Anti Semitism law

Demon possessed, has to be.

Aye, A Gray State playing out right in front of us..

Stand for something or you will fall for anything.

Would that be by guillotine you Satanic POS? What else do you need to know about this demon in the flesh?

Dude didn’t make it. This is our future.